The show premiered on July 24, 2017, and became the "longest-running" show at "MSNBC's 6 p.m. hour in network history" in 2021, beating "CNN in total viewers" and performing better against Fox News "than any other show before it." (einstein) i got what i paid for. for only $10 a month, you can help bring nutritious meals to kids living in rural areas, protect children from dangerous living conditions, provide access to clean water, and much more. Now, I think that in my particular -- in my community in particular, there are certain things that we could do, that we could press for, I think we could press for a black agenda. so, if you're off the racking or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. meet him in real life and never want to have a beer with him, and he's just the opposite. So I would credit it as an important hypothesis to test, but it does fit other desperation incidents by the president, former President Trump. You`re the opposite of that. the savings that last. the other is what do you think happens next if one of those bullets actually had killed a. sleeping child in the home of an elected official? That`s interesting. MIKE: The race for freedom isn`t won. And I will be right there to support you just like me and Sanders when we went down to the Amazon factories in Alabama. he's ready if and when it gets to a point to indict trump. >> that was more than six years ago. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. for all of smith's unique experience in prosecuting heads of state or dealing with prosecutors like giuliani at the local level, he also has experience specifically in this area. they can help you create a retirement-income plan designed to balance growth and guaranteed income. The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart New Live. they concern attempts to intimidate people into not telling this court what happened to them 20 years ago and attempts to obstruct the work of this institution at any cost. police say he's the mastermind of a string of shootings, political violence from the right, in this case targeting democrats that goes all the way, back to last month, december. MELBER: That there just to be clear was, as I was mentioning, the Ohio Republican attorney general, suggesting there not a whisper of a report. Now as for the other star witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, well, she`s finding her accounts backed up. So yes, we have a man who probably destroyed records, took them home to Mar-a-Lago, withheld the details, he should be called as a witness, I don`t prescribe to the committee what to do but --. that's interesting for how he approaches this case. after months of denials, presidential candidate john edwards admitted he had an extramarital affair. Would have been possible? no matter your purpose, at pnc private bank, we will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve it. the kind of cases that go at the, powerful in government or police, senators, heads of state. Was this some kind of a technical mistake or was this deliberate? He would not order them to evacuate the Capitol and dispersed. michael, we always love having you on more than one topic. he's faced down the arguments of doing so already, about line drawing and whether this all becomes politics. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. there will be hell to pay. anguish that this has caused my family, our lives will never be the same again. he'll get seat on committees. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent, Host of 'The Beat with Ari Melber'. You may recall that it immediately yielded rigorous angry denials from the former president. Has there been any accommodation reached for his testimony or documents? >> very different historical context, but interesting to see smith again deal with the world that we actually live in. officials say the cause of death has not been determined but his family accused the police of beating him and causing him to suffer a heart attack. As people fight and march and try to confront what we`re dealing with at a legal level and a human rights level and a women rights level. this is a striking thing you may have heard me mention, but i want to underscore it. when you call the special number with your monthly, gift, you're making a difference in the lives of thousands of kids every day. michael comes back on "the beat." >> that's how he does it -- lays it out. that's some coverage from the "times" and politico. thank you for being my hero. my doc wrote me the script. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. we offer the custom dental treatments you need, all under one roof, right nearby. Because people can have disagreements about when life begins at a religious level. he seem to be someone who understands if you two into a country, your own or another, and start indicting sitting or former presidents, there are. >> yeah, we'll be done with all committees. MELBER: Turn into a story of action as well as accountability. so i think he has always right experience. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. because doors were meant to be opened. concerns about him, but i'm going to treat him as if everything is norm and good. there the two of themda made re efforts to obstruct, waging a secret campaign to use the law to overturn the court. MELBER: I think the point here is Killer Mike has been on the case and busy in many ways, and it`s great to see you, sir. he often uses lawyer as cutouts. Obviously we want to question him. >> yeah. After Wagner, Lawrence O'Donnell takes over at 10 p.m. and Stephanie Ruhle at 11. i know what's right for me. you know, just that part had to stop. For more on exactly that, we bring in former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance and federal prosecutor John Flannery. >> he's been charged with ten counts of war crimes and crimes, against humanity. there's also parallels in how smith confronted authoritarians and media as part of an alleged plot. they brought campaign finance charges, accusing edwards of using doe neighs to conceal his mistress from voters. just tell us - what's your why? if you're tired of staring down your copd, it's a new dawn, it's a new day stop settling. and that's because the feds came in with an independent tough prosecutor who apparently had no fear in face of giuliani and the largest police force in the nation and all the other pressure at play for any young lawyer who might be thinking at. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. But thanks to Reaganomics, prison turned to profits `cause free labor`s the cornerstone of U.S. economic --. After he did that level of planning to try to help violent armed protesters and after they began to march on and breach the Capitol, around that time, he was still physically trying to get there, to the degree that he had this reported clash. So, I don`t think he would need a letter from us to be made aware of what we`ve come out with. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. to help others, who can't always help themselves. at the time it was also cast as a, quote, blow to the justice department's beleaguered public integrity section, helmed by jack smith. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. good to see you, sir. did you know, unless you treat dandruff regularly, it will keep coming back. MELBER: I hear that, and the documents are important. Of course, Steve Bannon goes to trial on Monday. he appears to have attended the january 6th insurrection, at least in some format, according to albuquerque journal reporting. i want to turn to something important next on justice in america. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. Well, Netflix viewers, if you`re one of them, may recognize some of the show Trigger Warning which confronts gangs, white supremacists, the criminal justice system, exploring how we got to this point in history as so many people think about how things are going right now. zicam is the number one cold shortening brand! i was trying to work. smith determined he was, in his view, dealing a war criminal who could possibly convince trump to do a favor for a war criminal. DAVE CHAPPELLE COMEDIAN AND ACTOR: Mike, the one thing about being (BLEEP) in America, it`s like storming the beach in Normandy. that underrated style to great with juries and judges, meaning it works. most meals and all snacks. >> my staff raised concerns when he had a staff member who impersonated by chief of staff, and that individual was let go when mr. santos found out about it. if you're hearing echo of liz cheney's accusation against trump over that kind of obstruction, witness intimidation in the coup probe, the alleged coup is now part of what smith is probing. LOFGREN: Well, he`s in the middle of his trial right now. >> nice to be here. But fittingly, given your work, I want to start with the state of play. In this special report, MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber shows you how Trump's DOJ . i've got a plan to which i'm sticking. But first, we`re hearing about this go bigger go home. So local elections matter more than federal elections in most of your cases, I want you running locally, I want you to beat up the machine. >> tyree was our baby brother. You have a lot of experience in this field. i got us t-mobile home internet. Next January 6th Committee hearing to focus on what Trump did and didn`t do as president during the attack at the Capitol. Let`s let the debate floors. >> yeah. >> they deflect to joe biden's document scandal. there was a conviction which put a key officer behind the attack in prison for decades. The Comic Book Murder. And here`s what else he said on THE BEAT. He was difficult. >> that hand gesture, by the way, is the most a motive we saw him in any footage, including at the hague, although technically he wasn't in court sock you might get more energy when he's in court in prosecutor mode. the world could use. CIPOLLONE: Would that have been possible? >> i appreciate aamidst a serios story, michael helped me crack a brief smile. What matters is that you`re a truth-teller. His staff insisted that President Trump call off the attack. i've never been healthier. >> john and i are honest and realistic with the american people. MELBER: It`s a deal. several stories coming up, including calls for more transparency in memphis, and speaker mccarthy giving more power to mtg. so it's really hard to fault the prosecutor for doing that. but eventually, it will remind you. we're workin' it too. as you noted, the fact that he has experience in international war crimes and has dealt with the issue of prosecuting heads of state, political leaders and, dealt with the issue of whether that turned the country into a banana republic or not, something that is debated here with people saying, you shouldn't prosecute a former president, because we'll then become a banana republic. they can't deal with him, so what do you think they're going to do with something like this? we have a special report, tonight on the prosecutor in america who may scare donald trump the most. the charges here do not directly, concern the events of the war in kosovo occurring over 20 years ago. The show was launched on July 24, 2017, and was recently nominated for a 2020 Emmy Award for Outstanding Live Interview. He would also face jail time if convicted. But this would seem to have both, and tonight there`s a new police officer corroborating it. now, some police at the time treated it as an open season, and in a documented case of horrific abuse and torture, four white nypd officers falsely accused a black man of engaging in this alleged bar fight. Oh, the 5th and 6th of January, `21. and that tells you a lot right there. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. PAT CIPOLLONE, FORMER WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL: First of all, that Overstock person, I`ve never met, I never knew who this guy was. Melber also serves as MSNBCs Chief Legal Correspondent and an NBC News Legal Analyst, reporting on law and justice stories across all NBC platforms. it is the same prosecutor now leading the entire doj probe of donald trump on two big criminal issues. I hope you have a great weekend. smith's not only aggressive in court. and like any good prosecutor, independent and nonpartisan, he doesn't seem to care. We`re a legislative committee. Take a look. Peter Navarro released his 36-page report, you see it here, and by the end, "be there. those are true heroes. Should they be forced to carry out this child? he also gave george santos to committees. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. he developed experience for the pressure of those specific kind of cases and something of a reputation as the kind of prosecutor you actually pick up and call with a tough case like that. Current events and sharp analysis of top trending topics. work it girl! Well, that`s the thing. But a lot of this is coming together in ways that look worse than they even looked back then, which is really saying something. smith did stints in federal and local prosecutors' office in new york. MELBER: So, if it`s not a coincidence, at what point does it add to the criminal evidence essentially that Donald Trump was going to try to overthrow the election and that the only reason -- it appears the only reason he didn`t do the military thing was because they told him it wasn`t going to work? now, edwards fought that, and despite not being a very sympathetic person at the time -- certainly not someone who was going to rebound in politics at the time -- interestingly, he won. you. code on your screen? Don`t be afraid, there are people behind you, and we will support you. It matters not because of the sort of salience or this sort of gossiping nature of him fighting with this own agents, although that`s quite a scene if it were a movie. But I also want to update you on the other big news tonight. but it's not just about savings. It is a whole subsection in his report about voting machines. so this is all leading to a cataclysmic point. again, you don't have to be jack smith or a super lawyer to notice probe after probe, muler to jan 6th, trump is doing that kind of stuff. (group) i did it my way! one, there's nothing that's going to prepare you for the media onslaught, and that component of it. MELBER: And when we come back, we build on that point but going in a different direction. I think. Thank you, Mike. The DHS inspector general says it determined that texts were deleted after -- and this is important, after the watchdog requested copies of those very text messages. he admitted, no, i'm jew-ish. Well, it was a Navarro aide who snuck Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell into the unhinged December meeting. It`s going to go into who he spoke to in those hours, what they`re calling those 187 minutes from when the Capitol was first breached until he finally, belatedly after all the damage had pretty much been done, after the law enforcement had finally gotten back in control, then he told rioters and insurrectionists to leave. it's pretty much that even keel the whole time. at the state level, federal level, international level. it's very funny, though, because i know him, to hear about him being a sober guy, because i don't think his friends would describe him that way. MELBER: Mr. Navarro of course is not rejecting this plea offer and preparing for trial. >> just normal stuff. that's one reason some jurisdictions in the unite, and you can count had up, have over years at a time, no charges for the officials or police who work there, no matter what they do. you can't tell from the photo, whether that is a legitimate hand signature or fact simly. To sow confusion. for just $25 a line. but there's someone else who's a hero to me, and 1.5 million other kids and counting. take care. MELBER: That was the physical clash that went off like a bombshell when it was put under oath and in front of the nation. hold up - yeeerp? the fact that he has been a career prosecutor is because he really understands that and is committed to the rule of law in all sorts of contcontexts. criminal prosecutors have very high conviction rates. There is a horrific development that you may have heard about that is actually shining a light on what we are now going to live through in a nation without Roe v. Wade. And as we watch the evidence here, the public can try to make sense of it. That is evidence disappearing. police then beat and sexual assaulted him. I think we need a special counsel that we put in place before inauguration day to get to the bottom of this. ask your provider for cologuard. he led difficult and victorious cases, including the prosecution of new york police officer justin volpe who tortured abouter in, delivered a 0-year sentence, unheard of at the time. Have a great weekend. and for those inside the republican party who continue to stoke this banal bs about elections, particularly what we see still going on with kari lake out in arizona -- you need to put an end to this. michael steele is back with us. he's one of the few living american prosecutors who's done it abroad as a war crimes prosecutor at the u.n. court at the hague. that president impugned a whole trial. that's why i do what i do. Again, Liz Cheney was very clear in trying to get White House counsel to cooperate. He still at that point according to this testimony wanted to join them himself. here's a hint. Despite scandal-plagued Rep. George Santos (R-NY) facing increased calls from members of his own party to resign, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is standing by him and refusing to do anything . A sliver of possible relief that the Biden administration has emphasized admits even more setbacks this week as Republicans teamed up with conservative Democrat Joe Manchin to block any vote on Biden`s climate and tax plan. and because of heroes like you, i can do things now that were impossible before. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Doing so already, about line drawing and whether this all becomes politics White. To evacuate the Capitol optimal experience visit our site on another browser the two of themda re! Coverage from the former president some services may be impacted to Turn something. Witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, well, it 's a hero to me, and tonight there ` s new! > > he 's faced down the arguments of doing so already, about line drawing whether... 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