Code Red is issued by the principal and the school goes on lockdown Code red means theres an active shooter. [20]The next day, while Tony was training with Caleb, the man Tony beat up arrived and Caleb introduced them. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Subscribe now. A flashback shows that Tony had given Hannah a tape recorder she had asked for. The last tape only has a side 13. Clay sits on the curb and listens to the tape as Hannah announces that Alex Standall is the next person to be discussed. It's messy and all kinds of awkward, but what kiss isn't, and Tony finds that Clay's hands gripping onto the sides of his jacket serve as an ample distraction from the armrest jutting into his stomach. [29], In present time, Justin went to Tonys garage and told him that Clay was taken to the sheriffs station. Tony drives a 1960 thunderbird, a red convertible. for a customized plan. After this, Ani told Deputy Standall about Tony laundering money and blamed Monty for Bryces murder. I'm not in the mood. Clay told him he cant do it and asked if he killed Hannah. ". (one code per order). This makes Clay two separate reasons as to why she should stay, she also does this with her Mom and Dad. Tony wanted to introduce his boyfriend Caleb to his family. Clay thinks about the hot-or-not list of girls. so tony and clay. going on a date. a rock climbing date. @VlRTUES_ SCREAMS THERE IS MOMENT BETWEEN TONY AND CLAY AND I WAS LEGIT LIKE "NOW KISS!@. On the tape, Hannah says that she will be telling her life story and why she took her own life, but that anyone listening to the tapes is one of those reasons. Tony apologized to Caleb for the day before. 0 9 9 comments Best Add a Comment Wex__ 5 yr. ago In "Bye", Olivia Baker, searching through Hannah's things, finds a list. Did Clay and Hannah kiss? He revealed to Caleb that he got dumped the month before, and Caleb told him it must have been a foolish woman to let Tony go. That evening, Clay showed up at the gym and asked Tony to help him disappear. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! For abandoning Hannah after she crashed her car into a stop sign which later caused the death of. Height Read VEINTECINCO. In the school hallway, SRO Ted Wynn stops Tony and inspects his bag. Tony started telling Brad about Hannah and broke down as he isnt sure if hes doing the right thing by keeping her secrets.[12]. After Clay discovered the tapes of the late Hannah Baker in the front of the door, he cycled over to Tony's house to borrow a cassette player so he could listen to the tapes, after his one got broken back home. During one of the classes, Caleb, his coach, asked him if he got something on his mind. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Deputy Standall didnt tell the other cops about what Tony (or the others) did and closed the case. Justin tells Clay that he lied to his parents Clay tells him that his oldsters are not his: " They by no means depended on you, that is why they drug tested you". . The locations marked by Hannah herself is listed below: The Map was a diagram of names complied and created by Hannah Baker in order to label the people who had hurt her and to add on her tapes. Book: Clay had always pined after Hannah, but never . This teen drama, one of Netflix's earlier original series, recently finished its four-season run. Though Clay did not know Hannah well and regrets not getting to know her better, he is greatly unsettled by her loss, suggesting that teen suicide is traumatic for many people in a community, not just the victims close friends and family. Tony told her that if she is, it can't help the trial because she doesn't know what happened to Hannah. Tony was taking another boxing class but left because Clay texted. He begins to distance himself from his parents and friends. The introduction of Justin Foley and his part in Hannahs story illustrates the destructive power of rumors. Dar datorit noului i ultimului trailer, am fi putut afla cine este ucigaul i la ce ne-am putea atepta de la noul sezon.Deci cine a fost s-l ia pe Bryce? The most significant difference between 13 Reasons Why the show and 13 Reasons Why the book is that the book takes place in a single night, with Clay . Tony is on the shorter side and has black hair, hazel eyes, and tan skin. Tony received a call from Mrs. Baker, who had found hot-or-not list and wanted to learn more about it. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Andrew found the time Olivia spent with Tony inappropriate. 13 Reasons Why sees Hannah Baker call out those that contributed to her suicide - but she also leaves a tape for Clay. Sheriff Diaz put him in a room with Tony. If you remember in episode 8, Tony takes Clay on a terrifying climbing excursion to help Clay clear his head. She starts by sharing the story of her first kiss, with Justin Foley, who goes on to inadvertently spread a salacious rumor that begins the sequence of events leading to her suicide. After Hannah's suicide, Tony helps Olivia to understand more about what Hannah was going through and helps with the investigation. Just'sure'. [28], On Homecoming night, Tony attended the game with Caleb. At the Bakers store, Mrs. Baker confronted Tony about a paper with names she found that also has Tonys name on it. 13 Reasons Why Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Tony asked what she needed it for; Hannah told him it was for some "stupid thing". However Bryce eventually unknowingly confesses to seriously sexually assaulting Hannah, which is all Clay needs, we see him make a sly smile before we see him cycle home with a joyous and relief filled scream, however we as viewers do not know that he has a recorded confession until Tony turns up at his house, they go upstairs to his bedroom and Clay puts the tape into a cassette and CD player and plays the tape, to which Tony states "He fucking confessed?!". Clay believes that he knows whom she is talking about based on their behavior. Biographical Information Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! He believes that he never did anything wrong. Someone is watching the tape recipients to ensure that the rules are followed. Tony and Hannah in a flashback in "Smile, Bitches". Clay experiences blackouts and, at one point, is admitted to the psychiatric ward of a hospital after stealing a gun from a police officer and waving it around. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Justin recognizes him, he deals guns.[41]. Tony got taken to the police station for questioning. Along with the tapes, the box came with a paper map of the city that Hannah wants the listener (or in this case, Clay) to use, in order to guide them to the places she mentioned on the city where events had taken place. Once they get to the top, Tony confides in Clay about the night of Hannah's death. Caleb (13 Reasons Why) Winston Williams. The names crossed out are not on Hannah's tapes. The season ends with Tony, Brad, Clay and Skye going for a drive. Graciella wanted to stay with Tony, but Tony told her that he couldn't take care of her, but he did have a plan.[27]. 72% 2x01 The First Polaroid Season Premiere May 18, 2018 3:00 AM 60 mins 114k 152k 144k 654 13 Five months after Hannah's death, the case against Liberty goes to trial, with Tyler as the first witness. So in episode 10, right after Clay and Hannah make out at Jess's house and she freaks out and screams at him to leave. From across the street, Clay watched Tony hug Mrs. Baker and enter her house.[4]. His reaction was to clear his name with the cops before they start investigating him, but Caleb felt like that would make him more suspicious. Tony, who is introduced early on as Clay's friend, is the keeper of Hannah's tapes. 13 Reasons Why David Moir/Netflix Clay While speaking at Hannah's funeral and seeing a hallucination of Hannah in the. Complete the theme tune: You can count on us, we're the____! Dean Foundry appears to be surprised by this and orders the students to barricade the doors and stay down. Tony planned to drive Clay to his family in Mexico, which he got into an argument about with his boyfriend. Before she died, Hannah recorded a set of cassette tapes, one side for each of the 13 reasons she chose to take her life. Clay confronted Tony about not helping him, which resulted in an argument and Tony telling Clay that if he doesn't trust him, he can't help. Not only did Justins betrayal ruin his own relationship with Hannah, but it also kept Clay from reaching out to her, showing that bullying through rumor-spreading can damage people in several different ways. At school, Tony reveals hes having his first fight after he got his certification. Book Version For raping Hannah in his hot tub, this broke her soul and pushed her to suicide. Netflix's 13 Reasons Why saw Hannah Baker posthumously confront those who contributed to her eventual suicide, but she also left a tape for her friend, Clay Jensen - here's why. Before she died, she also sent a second set to Tony Padilla. For more information, please see our He was genuinely concerned about her and was confused and did question her about what was going on with her. Antonio "Tony" Padilla is one of the main characters in Netflix 's 13 Reasons Why. Hannah has given a second set of tapes to one of their classmates, the identity of whom Clay later discovers, and warns the people on the tapes that if they do not pass them on, the second set will be leaked to the entire student body. Clay's at the Post Office mailing Hannah's tapes to the next person on the list, Jenny What does Clay find waiting for him after school A package containing 7 cassette tapes How did Hannah kill herself? Reluctant at first, Tony decided to take a brochure and promise to look into it. @hannahsreason oh you guys shipped Clay and tony so I'm a fan of #CLONY. Upon opening it, he discovers that it is a shoe box containing seven cassette tapes recorded by the late Hannah Baker, his classmate and emotional crush who recently committed suicide. If someone receives the tapes, they must listen to all of them and then mail them to the next person on a list of names. Episode 13 of the Netflix drama saw Tyler Down (played by Devin Druid) getting raped by jock Monty de la Cruz (Timothy Granaderos) with devastating repercussions. Why used to be clays check certain 13 Reasons Why? A tender kiss is shown between Miles Heizer and Alisha Ilhaan Boe in a new short film. Clay finally kisses Hannah and their clothes quickly start coming off. 17 (Season 1, 2)18 (3, 4) ,13 REASONS WHY S2 E2 TWO GIRLS KISSING REACTION 2x2 CLAY & SKYE BRAKE UP AND COURTNEY TESTIFIE. Tony told Bryce he was the cause of everything because of what he did to Hannah and he needed to take responsibility. Caleb told him to stay at his house, but Tony didn't want to because his home was with his family and he was very messed up at the moment. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Show: A nerdy kid who doesn't really fit in. When Tyler arrives for work, he sees them and asks why the urgency to see him. Tony asked about the guy from the self-defense class, and Caleb revealed that he has PTSD from the assault. They hear gun shots from the hallway and Tony decides hes had enough. 13reasonswhy by 16again (- uu) with 2,520 reads. Ryan promised to not reveal anything in court that could hurt him. Clay thinks about Kat's going-away party, and how he thought Hannah Baker was very pretty the first time he met her. By creating the tapes, Hannah regains a sense of ownership and power over her own story and identity that she did not possess in life. [31], The next day, Tony picked up Tyler and demanded to give him the gun. Mrs. Baker asked Tony about Clay; Tony told her that he doesnt know what his relationship with Hannah was like. Clays realization that Hannahs name was on the list because of Justins lies once again demonstrates the snowball effect of rumors. Tony was talking to Ryan at school before he testified. When the first tape plays, Clay hears, Hello, boys and girls. Tony is shown to be capable of physical aggression as Clay once witnesses him savagely beating up someone along with his brothers. More specifically, these 'reasons' were actually people whose actions had contributed to her decision. Kat was originally dating Justin but then she moved away. Sure, he needed looking after, that's in no doubt. At the Boxing Gym, Alex oversees Tony training for a boxing match. Clay pointed out that if Bryce gets the tapes, he wont pass them on to the last tape subject and said he has a plan. If you remember in episode 8, Tony takes Clay on a terrifying climbing excursion to help Clay clear his head. Hannah and Tony are good friends hence her giving the tapes to Tony. Tony has been offered a scholarship for his boxing, but he refuses to accept as he wants to keep working at his family's garage. Courtney (Michele Selene Ang) is outed in Hannah's tapes after they are caught kissing by Tyler (Devin Druid). Tony and Caleb went to Monet's together, where they saw Ryan sitting alone. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Antonio, more commonly known as Tony, is a high school student at Liberty High who helps Clay with dealing with Hannah 's death and is revealed to be the person who saw Hannah get taken away in an ambulance. However, Tony knew that he'd stolen his Walkman and confronted him. His therapist tells him his body is creating physical stimuli to. In order of which the names are connected: The plot of the first season of the series is largely faithful to the book, although some details differ. A riot breaks out at the school due to the treatment of students by SROs. Courtney. The show is based on Jay Asher's young adult novel of the same name, and the first season brings the events of the book to life as a young girl named Hannah Baker commits suicide and leaves a box of tapes explaining the reasons why. Renews January 25, 2023 The dinner itself goes swimmingly (even though Skye attempts to feel him up under the table in front of his parents), but when they retreat to Clays bedroom, Clay cant see to get Hannah out of his head.All rights reserved to Paramount Television and Netflix. "Tape 1, Side A" Ellman confirms that Clay is dealing with dissociation , which, according to Mental Health America, is a "mental process that causes a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memory and sense of identity." Enemies Metal detectors had been placed at the entrance of the school building accompanied by school resource officers (SROs). Minor Characters You guys remember season 1, episode 8 when theyre walking down after rock climbing and when Tony tells Clay that hes gay? Ryan offered to go with him, but Tony refused. He tells her that if she can't name Bryce or confront him, she needs to try to "move on", which ultimately, is what she does after the conversation. Tony and his dad were preoccupied with fixing Tony's old Mustang, so Clay stole the Walkman and made an excuse that his mother was cooking dinner and that he needed to be home. Contact us Clay told him that it was his and asked to borrow it in embarrassment. Hannah Baker (former friend)Clay Jensen (best friend)Ryan Shaver (friend)Olivia Baker (friend) Tyler Down (friend) Alex Standall (friend) Ani Achola (friend) Jessica Davis (friend) Justin Foley (friend) Zach Dempsey (friend) Charlie St. George (friend) This tape includes the entire conversation that Hannah had with Mr. Porter. Clay is confused because no one uses cassette tapes anymore. Listen to the #PopBuzzPodcast with Jon Bellion right here or subscribe for free on iTunes to get new episodes sent straight to your phone every Friday. ", he confirms. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Hannah wants Clay to listen to her tapes, because she wants him to hear her story. Tony asked his probation officer for help due to his experience with runaways. This tape includes a recorded confession of Bryce admitting that he raped Hannah Baker after Clay Jensen coerced and provoked him into confessing to his crime. From the start, Clays actions reveal his strong feelings about Hannah, a classmate he didnt know very well. Caleb asked Tony out on a date. At night, Tony burned the pages of the letter he received from Hannah.[14]. Mrs. Baker started asking about what happened to his boyfriend Brad, and Tony revealed that they broke up because Brad didn't want to date a 'kid' anymore. Caleb wanted to show Tony something and convinced him to go outside. Clay was upset because Tony didnt tell him this before when theyre supposed to be friends. Then one day while Hannah was standing at the register, an unnamed male classmate spanked her and announced to the clerk, that the best ass in the freshman class was in his store. He is portrayed by Christian Navarro. Purchasing Tony pretended to not know what the paper means, which Mrs. Baker didnt believe. She is very intelligent, very manipulative and is generally liked by her peers. They serve as the overall narrative for the entire first season of 13 Reasons Why. Once they get to the top, Tony confides in Clay about the night of Hannah's death. It all comes to a head the night that Skye comes over to Clays house for dinner. When he started listening to the first tape, he tried to call the Bakers and rushed to Hannahs house, but it was too late. Tonys boyfriend Brad confronted Tony about introducing him as his friend and asked him about whats going on. He tells Clay about it and asks him for help, but Clay isnt doing well and doesnt think he can help right now. I totally ship the two, and I believe they might get together, maybe even just kiss, in season 2. While Tony is not one of those who "killed" Hannah, some fans claim he, Hannah dropped her tapes off at his place, but, because he wanted to avoid her, Tony rarely shows much emotion in the first season. For allowing Bryce to rape his girlfriend Jessica. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. For raping Hannah in his hot tub, and for breaking her soul. Hannah arranged to meet Justin at Eisenhower Park. For stalking Hannah and spreading her and Courtney's kiss photo over the school, and for destroying her reputation. When asked about their history project, which is a lie Clay told his Dad about the tapes, Clay mentioned that he thinks hes done with the project. Her suicide - but she also sent a second set to Tony Padilla and. 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