Julia enjoys in her blissful marriage with William, who is known not only as a successful actor and producer, but also as the Executive Vice President of Universal Pictures Blumhouse. Got a confidential news tip? Tue, Dec 21 202111:56 AM EST Top Videos VIDEO 12:18 The rise and fall of. Later that year, Julia became the media and entertainment reporter for the CMBC working for Los Angeles Bureau and covers the media with special focus on intersection of media and technology. CNBC's Julia Boorstin reports on the rise of the metaverse and the platforms that're making the concept a reality. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "add556bc7886983e0f2373fd7be67dcb" );document.getElementById("afe063943e").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I did about 120 interviews, and I was trying to figure out how to organize all these people into powerful stories that would help illuminate ideas and inspire the reader. Julia Boorstin joined CNBC in May 2006 as a general assignment reporter. For more celebrity-related content, be sure to check outFeatured Biography! Men should be embracing empathy in their leadership, empathy as a strategic skill. So that's something I grappled with and something I tried to address in writing the book. Before that, she used to work as an editor in The Daily Princetonian and a business writer and reporter for the Fortune Magazine since 2000. She was promoted later that year to work as the networks media and entertainment reporter, based in the CNBCs Los Angeles Bureau. There are millions of decisions that change everything little by little for the better. Everyone had to really push themselves to understand their own path where they wanted to be and chart their own road to success. Oh, who knows? The #Baldrige Performance Excellence Program has released the 2023-2024 Baldrige Excellence Framework (Business/Nonprofit): Proven Leadership and Management Boorstin covers media with a special focus on the intersection of media and technology. But also, I found them much more likely to be creating companies out of necessity and also doing of this interesting balance of long-term and short-term decision-making and strategic planning. Not only that, but the news anchor had also congratulated her husband for getting thenominationand evenwinningthe Oscar awards for his movie, Whiplash. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Julia Boorstin, author of When Women Lead, What They Achieve, Why They Succeed, and How We Can Learn From Them, and I are going to dive deeper into Julia's book and learn more from some of these stories. And this is so valuable for leadership. I remember there was the CNN Money, and there was so much more business news reporting on CNN. You were also here in September, as I noted in the intro, I was here as well, for that Disruptor 50 reception. And I wrote a very long and thoughtful essay about why we decided to put Robinhood on the list, despite all the hoopla and questions about its impact on the markets. Companies with more women on boards perform better. Hence, Julia's net worth as of 2020 is estimated at $100 million as per Biogossipy. She covers media with a special focus on the intersection of media and technology. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I wore glasses and boxy suits. A fascinating and intense time. There were some very influential senior women like Carol Lummus, who is famous for writing the Berkshire Hathaway annual reports. Because that's what's so interesting to me is just as we need to break free from that traditional archetype of GE leadership that was so dominant when I entered the business world in 2000, I hope men can understand that they will be successful if they lead with some of the skills and strategies that women have always embraced. Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox. And now, when you hear the word sustainability, you think opportunities. So I think about Jim Collins Good To Grade, which is an iconic business book. So it was really amazing to watch these adaptability skills in motion, the need for empathy to relate to what consumers and employees were going through. There's this whole idea of token theory that if you're in a minority, you're going to draw heightened attention and criticism. Also Read: Jaguar Wrights Net Worth, Singing Career, and Personal Details. I did take an amazing writing class from the author, John McPhee, who I love. If you think back about the trajectory of where CNN is today, had they stayed the course and done more business news, do you think they'd be a different business today? According to CNBC estimates, she receives an average annual salary ranging from $62,300 to $122,500. Couper is an actor and a producer. And figuring out how to use your own personal distinguishing characteristics as superpowers, I think is really essential. I was always interested in private companies, in startups, in entrepreneurs, but CNBC, as you know, is very much focused on public companies and investing. So we did a deep dive into how PayPal was investing to close promotion gaps, realizing that promotion gaps are a bigger problem than pay gaps and the source of underlying pay gaps. And it's amazing how fast this company has grown and partnered with major companies like Toyota and other insurance providers. CNBC's Julia Boorstin reports on the Metaverse's future 05:56 Fundstrat's Tom Lee on his long-term expectations for crypto 08:46 Watch CNBC's full interview with Semper Augustus CIO Chris. And I was relieved to see that none of the companies that I start off on my giant poster boards tracking and in my Excel spreadsheets, none of them went out of business because plenty of companies did go out of business during the pandemic. During her tenure, she had also done a live market wrap up segment, Street Life on CNN Headline News. So she flipped the business model of dating on her head and put women in control. Writing new rules and redefining the game. You've described your approach to your book as show don't tell. And I thought it was going to be a year. But she persevered and really worked to find the investors who had a track record of focusing on her type of business, which I think helped pull through the noise. So I really wanted to figure out how to highlight these stories of remarkable success and elevate these traits of leadership without othering these women and making their femaleness their defining characteristic because it certainly isn't their success is the defining characteristic the femaleness isn't. Do the stories that no one else wants. Boorstin joined CNBC from Fortune magazine where she was a business writer and reporter since 2000. Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. in history. You just wrapped up a celebration of your book and a Q&A session in our historic boardroom at the New York Stock Exchange hosted by our president Lynn Martin. Back now with Julia Boorstin, author of When Women Lead, What They Achieve, Why They Succeed, and How We Can Learn From Them. I'm glad that the pandemic is over so I'm not just broadcasting from home anymore. Posted by Julia Boorstin onThursday, November 7, 2013. Distinguishing herself as a successful and devoted journalist, Julia was named one of the most promising business journalists under the age of 30 in the TJFR 30 under 30 list by the Journalist and Financial Reporting newsletter three times, in 2003, 2004 and 2006. So I could Zoom with executives at any time of day or night. And a lot of that came down to the fact that they were grateful for their perspective and their opportunity. I mean, talking about another time a year into your reporting, you're asked to appear live on CNN to discuss a news story. Now, the creator of CNBC's Disruptor 50 list, Julia Boorstin, who happens to be today's guest on Inside the ICE House, isn't just shining a light on upstart private companies. She stands a decent height and belongs to white ethnicity. "The price of my honesty, of my trying to do the right thing was a lot of money." By Cynthia Littleton. Your email address will not be published. She mainly covers the news detail focusing on the intersection of media and technology. The couple had their first encounter at the Sundance Film Festival. When you feel you have to do something, you think, "Too complicated." Yes, there were a couple of female CEOs here and there, but the senior editors of the magazine were all men, while the people at my age were very gender balanced. I was so interested to discover this gratitude thing because in 20 years as a business journalist, I never really thought about gratitude as having anything to do with business. The couple then met in New York when Julia invited him while he produced the Zach Braff starrer, The Ex. But he had that access because I never would've felt comfortable having bourbon at 9:45 at night with our bosses. Julia Boorstin is CNBC's senior media and tech correspondent and the author of When Women Lead: What They Achieve, Why They Succeed, and How We Can Learn from Them. Caption: Julia Boorstin with her husband, Couper Samuelson at their wedding in the year 2006.Source:NYTimes if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'wikinetworth_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',174,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-wikinetworth_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'wikinetworth_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',174,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-wikinetworth_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-174{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. I talked to other founders and people who had backed her company, and I said, "Well, what do you mean she's a talent magnet?" I'm terrible at tennis. She was grateful for it because it gave her this insight and this opportunity to create something very different. A Division of NBCUniversal. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These are companies that are either going to be the public giants of tomorrow, or they're already challenging, forcing change, within today's behemoths. Men should be thinking about communal leadership styles. And those women are really not just exceptions to the rule in that the vast majority of these CEOs are men, but also seem to be doing things differently, solving different kinds of problems. Julia Boorstin (@JBoorstin) March 11, 2019. And it was so interesting for me to see how many women took things about their personalities that have not traditionally been seen as strengths, or even things like being hyper-competitive, that at one point in one of the leaders' careers, one of the CEO's careers, was actually a drawback. What was it like working as a writer at Fortune in your first gig out of college? And that was really fun for me, but I didn't think I was going to do journalism professionally. Julia was born on December 4, 1978, in the United States of America. And she said, "This is the right thing to do. Maybe not surprising but impressive, and impressive how she took her own struggles, her own legal battle with Tinder, which she was a co-founder of, and her own challenges to navigate a new path. Got a confidential news tip? Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. And second, to understand the success that is tied to some of these more traditionally female leadership traits. So I wanted to tell their amazing stories. There were gender gaps, and gender gaps were both the result of and cause of some of that bad behavior that resulted in the departure of many male executives. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. What was it like growing up in LA, the epicenter of media and entertainment innovation where you're currently based? Well, it is very exciting to see that Fortune magazine now has a female editor-in-chief, Alyson Shontell, and is just great to see this next generation of younger journalists. It's just fabulous. So about 11 years ago, more than 11 years ago now, I was reporting on Facebook and the lead-up to Facebook's IPO, which as you remember, was a very big deal. That was about it. Trending :Joanna Gaines || Pat Sajak || Brandi Love || Kamala Harris || Elizabeth Warren ||. CNBC's Senior Media & Technology Reporter, Creator of CNBC's #Disruptor50, Author of When Women Lead - Simon & Schuster, Available Now . TY Julia! I'm 22 years old. So on one hand, I was super inspired by these women I was meeting, and I wanted to tell their stories. Carol Lummus really was one of the first journalists to see what was going on in Intercontinental Exchange ICE, founded by Jeff Sprecher. It was named to the Disruptor 50, but there was a moment when the FDA was really challenging its existence. Boorstin celebrates her birthday on December 4th every year. What are your first memories of getting assigned here? It is an honor to be here. There have been companies that were on the list and then failed spectacularly. This is ethically the right thing to do, but it also will be beneficial over time, will help us with our relationships and our retention with our clients over time." Hold on. 188 Julia Boorstin Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images CREATIVE Collections Project #ShowUs Creative Insights Custom Content EDITORIAL VIDEO BBC Motion Gallery NBC News Archives MUSIC BLOG BROWSE PRICING BOARDS CART SIGN IN Editorial Images Images Creative Editorial Video Creative Editorial FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO All And that's our conversation for this week. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. And it's been such a thrill to get to work on this list, and it's been fascinating to get to meet so many successful and innovative entrepreneurs. Julia Boorstin, CNBC's Senior Media & Tech Correspondent and creator of CNBC Disruptor 50 list shares more about HER career journey AND talks about her new book, When Women Lead. But she also wrote a great book called when women lead so many entrepreneurs covered in this book, all women, and people who have really busted through and and done a lot of incredible, incredible things. She officially joined CNBC back in May 2006 as a general assignment reporter in the Los Angeles Bureau. She wanted to give people the opportunity to thrive on their own. The advice that I give to other women who are looking to break into a male-dominated field is to be yourself, and don't be afraid to speak up and fight your corner, argue your position. They first met during the PG-13 weekend at Sudance Film Festival. So I always love an opportunity to be here on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, and I miss it. Given their happy married life and an adorable son, they led a settled life and have no intention to end their relationship in divorce until today. Boorstin went ahead and reported a documentary, Stay TunedThe Future of TV for the respective network. So that's CNBC's sister company under the parent company of NBC Universal, and she's had massive success. Long, successful reporting day on Twitter's IPO, and a successful launch for Twitter. Professionally, her father was a producer and screenwriter for television documentaries, and her mother was an author. More From CNBC NOW PLAYING: Other More For You Spend $500, Get $200 Fast With This Top Card Ad CompareCards. Julia is also active on her official Facebook page, but on which she has only 3,000 likes. The only image that had been circulated in the Medias regarding her babys photo was a picture shared by one of her friend, Mary Catherine in her Twitter handle. In May 2006, she joined CNBC as a general assignment reporter and moved to Los Angeles in 2007 to cover media. I'm not going to tell you what to do. If they were somewhat more led by women, would the entertainment industry be different? Julia Boorstin, CNBC's Senior Tech Reporter, speaks about why there aren't more women in management. She was employed here from June 2000 to May 2006. Julia Boorstin runs only her official Twitter account with almost 35,000 followers, which she uses mostly to promote her upcoming projects. So there are women who are succeeding and running their businesses. As the saying goes by, one cannot see whats the future is decided for them, William and Julia were lucky to meet their soulmate at their first meeting. Required fields are marked *. Julia Boorstin, CNBC's Senior Media & Tech Reporter, returns to her writing roots with "WHEN WOMEN LEAD: What they achieve, Why they succeed, and How we can learn from them.". CNBC has been part of the fabric of the New York Stock Exchange for a long time. So it was really interesting to see that world of business and power very much up close and to try to figure out how to be taken seriously as a young reporter asking some tough questions to companies who in 2001 say, were not doing very well. And that's just the tip of the iceberg as it were. There is no doubt, therefore, that she receives an impressive package as compensation. Julia is married to William Couper Samuelson since December of 2007. Julia's spouse is an actor and producer. They just want to be known as CEOs. Boorstin also plays a key role on CNBC's bi-coastal tech-focused program "TechCheck" delivering reporting, analysis and interviews around streaming, social and the convergence of media and technology. Talking more about her professional career, Julia has worked as part of the delegation of the State Department to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (O.E.C.D. Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox. So besides me now as your interlocutor, what advice do you have for the men listening to our show, and what do you hope that they take away from our conversation in your book? Well, should tell the story. You're not going to admit that you have a failure in one part of your expertise unless you're confident about everything else you bring to the table. But when it comes to venture capital, the numbers and the gender gap is much worse. Talk to you next week. Julia is the president of feature films at Blumhouse Productions where he previously served as the executive vice president. She covers media with a special focus on the intersection of media and technology. I tell the story of Katrina Lake because I was fascinated by her because so many different people described her to me as a talent magnet, her investors. Nonetheless, Julia is currently employed . 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