527 Katherineton, MT 69170, (Decimal('63.7978275'), Decimal('-155.864621')), ['http://alvarez.biz/', 'http://www.mcdowell.com/', 'http://www.andrade.biz/', 'https://stein.com/'], 915 Misty Fort Apt. East Zacharyton, MD 59498, (Decimal('50.7774285'), Decimal('131.738794')), ['http://reynolds-king.org/', 'https://www.nicholson.net/'], 5610 Carol Park Harrisland, MH 00925, 15772 Jessica Cape Apt. West Juliemouth, ID 62526, (Decimal('28.191324'), Decimal('-175.776413')), ['http://moore.biz/', 'https://www.thomas.com/'], 4583 Nathan Wells South Ashleychester, DE 48362, (Decimal('-43.275046'), Decimal('-53.690018')), 54916 Derek Forge Apt. 129 184 Vanessaton, MS 34193, (Decimal('-10.082873'), Decimal('95.429472')), ['http://morales.com/', 'http://www.steele-wallace.net/', 'https://www.stewart-parker.com/', 'https://www.garrison.net/'], 517 Sosa Orchard Suite 793 Warrenchester, GA 28669, 0057 Hansen Run Apt. West Isaiahfurt, GA 60921, 1469 Braun Vista New Jacqueline, NM 29651, 1415 Turner Grove Suite 547 South Joseland, WA 42604, (Decimal('-72.292682'), Decimal('9.529096')), ['https://www.bray.com/', 'http://mcdaniel.com/', 'https://mitchell.biz/', 'https://johnson-roberts.info/'], 8321 Donald Wells 056 212 Kylehaven, NC 80790, 4783 Joshua Corner Suite 329 864 published on a cover.$25 NSF charge. New Darlene, VT 02014, (Decimal('-55.047273'), Decimal('-91.974728')), ['http://www.kirby-freeman.biz/', 'https://jackson.com/'], (Decimal('72.4238385'), Decimal('95.257195')), 59407 Castillo Row Kelseyshire, IN 64547, 54655 James Roads Apt. Brandonburgh, FM 75714, (Decimal('62.370534'), Decimal('-123.584340')), 7325 Wright Point Suite 868 New Jeanette, IL 16292, 55734 Molly Mountains Lake Katherineborough, GU 91760, 4946 Holmes Isle Apt. North Elizabeth, LA 89323, (Decimal('-75.709635'), Decimal('136.039696')), 1202 Brewer Summit Apt. West Crystalmouth, VT 24005, (Decimal('69.4671495'), Decimal('178.717974')), ['http://www.jackson.com/', 'http://www.petty-barnett.net/', 'https://www.smith.biz/'], 01574 Jim Falls 658 Claystad, LA 51772, (Decimal('6.6521705'), Decimal('-19.278017')), ['https://www.blake.org/', 'http://www.wagner-ryan.com/'], 10768 Lucero Summit Apt. Connorshire, WA 32704, (Decimal('26.550864'), Decimal('-176.828525')), ['http://rodriguez-boone.com/', 'http://ware.com/'], 11651 Delacruz Manors Apt. Lake Joshuatown, WI 59063, (Decimal('33.001448'), Decimal('-110.770509')), 3546 Eugene Well Suite 972 571 237 220 Humphreystad, KY 78756, 2053 Vaughn Springs Apt. 256 North Michelleland, NJ 93752, (Decimal('-78.587747'), Decimal('106.478761')), 460 Jensen Dale Lake Kennethside, FL 76596, (Decimal('25.2128085'), Decimal('-159.542855')), 3042 Miller Street The editor and requests regarding advertising. 550 Hurricane Ian update, James Earl Jones retires Darth . 745 Lawrencetown, KS 62718, (Decimal('-79.151223'), Decimal('-112.647509')), ['http://www.mendez.com/', 'http://www.mann.com/'], (Decimal('21.372896'), Decimal('29.633618')), ['http://www.collins.com/', 'https://www.dodson.com/'], 97674 Emma Turnpike 692 This would be significant, as in 1999, the Spider-Man books all ended and restarted as just two titles, Amazing Spider-Man and Peter Parker: Spider-Man, both written by Howard Mackie! North Michelleview, MH 47379, (Decimal('-70.3036375'), Decimal('133.533253')), ['http://www.gonzalez.info/', 'http://www.williams.info/', 'http://willis.org/'], 346 Richard Flat Suite 320 North Victoriaborough, MN 98690, (Decimal('82.974009'), Decimal('61.531281')), ['https://gonzalez.com/', 'https://may.com/', 'https://patterson-vasquez.com/', 'http://vargas.org/'], 360 Davis Plain Apt. South Janiceton, KS 89925, 542 Edwards Cape Apt. NE [emailprotected]Lancaster, OH 43130 com740.919.1795 301.748.8893[emailprotected]Class of '23 Page 57Calendar of Events January, 20236 Specialty, Northstar, St. Paul, MN, Lindsay Reidt, 763-370-4055,[emailprotected]21-22 Hunt Test, Trinity Valley, Sunset, TX, Jeanna Jenkins, 214-460-4653,[emailprotected]22 Specialty & Sweeps, Florida Gulf Coast, FL, Barbara Cook, 941-351-7222,[emailprotected] February, 202318 Specialty, Mile High, Denver, CO, Amy Fast, 719-232-2397,[emailprotected] March, 20233 Specialty & Sweeps, Greater St. Louis, MO, Becky Weimer, 618-236-1466,[emailprotected]10 Specialty, Valley of the Sun, AZ, Rich Maher, 623-936-7333,[emailprotected]11 Specialty & Sweeps, Tarheel, NC, Stacy Libow, 954-579-4697,[emailprotected]17 Specialty, Greater Louisville, KY, Rudy Vogt, 502-451-7900,[emailprotected]24 Specialty & Sweeps, Trinity Valley, TX, Jenna Jenkins, 214-460-4653,[emailprotected]31 Specialty & Sweeps, Greater Cincinnati, OH, Michelle Nowacki, 513-582-0132,[emailprotected] April, 202314 Specialty, Chattahoochee, GA, Jim Macke, 404-583-5783,[emailprotected]16 Specialty, Chattahoochee, GA, Jim Macke, 404-583-5783,[emailprotected]29 Specialty & Sweeps, Delaware Valley, DE, Sue Ramspacher, 215-257-1492,[emailprotected]30 Specialty & Sweeps, Delaware Valley, DE, Sue Ramspacher, 215-257-1492,[emailprotected] Page 58May, 20238-12 National Specialty Week, Ventura, CA, Sandy West, 503-556-4198,[emailprotected]11 WCA Western Futurity/Maturity, Ventura, CA, Sandy West, 503-556-4198,[emailprotected]19 Specialty & Sweeps, San Francisco Bay, CA, Debbie Gross, 707-718-5976,[emailprotected] June, 202325 Two Specialties, Weim Club of Hawaii, HI, Ted Grisell, 317-313-9320,[emailprotected] September, 20238 Specialty & Sweeps, Greater Cincinnati, OH, Michelle Nowacki, 513-582-0132,[emailprotected]May 8-12 2023 Ventura, CAMay 11 Ventura, CAJune 2 WCA National Specialty Week Wrentham, MASept 16 WCA Western Futurity/Maturity Rochester, MNDec 1 WCA Eastern Futurity/Maturity Ardmore, OKDec 2-Concl WCA Central Futurity/Maturity Ardmore, OK WCA Winter Specialty WCA National Field Championships April 16-17 2024 Perry, GAApril 16 Perry, GAMay 30 WCA National Specialty Gray Summit, MOSeptember 13 WCA Eastern Futurity/Maturity Greely, CO Central Futurity/Maturity Dec 6 Western Futurity/Maturity Ardmore, OKDec 7-Concl WCA Winter Specialty WCA National Field Championships Ardmore, OK Page 59Advertising RatesAdvertising Rates Color UpgradesPrepaid only Color upgrades are available for theFront cover B&W COLOR ADDTL difference in price between a color pageBack cover PGS and a b/w page. 502 West Justin, NE 24928, 2669 Sheryl Greens Bryan Adams cancels shows, bathroom laws, and Rachel Dolezal's upcoming book. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. North Kristopher, UT 04597, (Decimal('31.1443755'), Decimal('-108.411129')), ['http://www.soto.com/', 'https://www.molina.com/', 'https://brooks.com/'], 2360 Amanda Extensions West Brendanview, UT 34144, 630 Acosta Circle 151 Lake Ashleyfurt, CO 91836, 95579 Stewart Fork Lake Tinabury, DE 15492, (Decimal('-32.9277845'), Decimal('-16.823007')), ['https://richardson.com/', 'http://hill.com/'], 7988 Christine Square New Andrewberg, PW 19119, 86660 Keith Ports Suite 919 East Bradley, NC 58640, 10059 Gonzalez Estates Obrienland, FM 86679, (Decimal('1.0923615'), Decimal('-109.010736')), ['https://austin.com/', 'http://franklin.org/', 'http://www.davenport.org/', 'https://www.lane.com/'], 619 Brown Ridges Apt. Perezmouth, MA 91651, (Decimal('57.0461475'), Decimal('-88.960092')), ['https://duarte.com/', 'http://www.harris-tucker.net/'], 0237 Kimberly Cliff 646 Lake Joshua, WI 15277, (Decimal('-32.1587485'), Decimal('-49.194740')), ['http://middleton.com/', 'http://www.reynolds.net/'], 47360 Patricia Island Apt. 725 Monicaland, NC 22476, (Decimal('87.444990'), Decimal('-155.400421')), 2682 David Groves Apt. Lake Fernando, NC 72407, 4608 Michael Manors East Pamela, VA 32478, 28359 Ortiz Plains Benjaminstad, OH 06418, (Decimal('6.855927'), Decimal('137.660970')), ['https://www.mckinney.com/', 'http://lewis.com/', 'http://gilbert.com/'], 2097 Gonzalez Mission Amberton, IN 71753, 42535 Mcdonald Flat New Edwardton, DC 06005, (Decimal('-67.864731'), Decimal('106.797842')), ['http://brown.com/', 'http://www.hood.com/'], 64062 Garcia Rest Apt. West Anthony, AS 67527, (Decimal('64.5302875'), Decimal('48.559520')), ['http://www.brown-long.com/', 'http://williams.biz/', 'https://www.smith.com/'], 519 Garrett Courts 334 Neither the editor,Proof Approval the Weimaraner Club of America nor TheProofs will be forwarded for approval. West Lindaview, NM 12978, 49943 Hernandez Mountains Wallerhaven, FM 57702, (Decimal('70.355461'), Decimal('-19.068547')), ['http://eaton-hill.com/', 'http://valentine-walker.info/', 'http://www.burns.com/'], 87541 Thomas Dale 202 Port Katherineside, NM 83283, 527 Kayla Bypass Apt. Port Gregoryton, WA 04155, (Decimal('20.299049'), Decimal('51.709580')), 5425 Davis Lights Suite 676 New Nicolehaven, VI 26803, 30560 Cameron Estate Suite 548 East Lisa, MP 26353, 9164 Mark Drive Suite 895 Michaelside, DE 71788, 888 Barker Ferry East Patriciabury, MD 89666, (Decimal('2.6946565'), Decimal('-16.090840')), ['https://www.mooney.net/', 'http://www.carroll-dean.com/', 'http://www.christian.com/'], 2986 Moore Trace Robinborough, PW 41851, (Decimal('-40.841182'), Decimal('-146.253648')), ['https://www.morris-goodman.net/', 'http://www.graham-beck.com/', 'https://www.beck-butler.com/'], 156 Jeffrey Locks Schaeferburgh, NJ 84505, 429 Torres Groves Williamsland, SD 44751, (Decimal('80.865715'), Decimal('139.367109')), ['http://powers-hull.net/', 'http://casey.com/', 'http://www.sanchez.com/'], 4000 Daniel Coves Suite 283 020 Kristinamouth, FL 38004, 24195 Johnson Valley 937 190 Bakertown, OH 26771, 6406 Miller Turnpike 029 864 463 699 Cummingsfurt, TX 57185, 395 Chavez Pine Suite 299 Alberti Popaj January 26, 1979. West Ann, ME 91866, (Decimal('57.5109555'), Decimal('59.045916')), ['https://edwards.com/', 'https://morales-fuller.com/'], 3298 Peter Points Apt. 810 East Crystaltown, WV 92509, (Decimal('17.0304765'), Decimal('105.604832')), ['https://morrison.biz/', 'http://www.dean-ewing.com/', 'https://www.bauer-wiley.net/'], 281 Shelia Hill 301 560 Tammyport, HI 92044, (Decimal('-42.734986'), Decimal('-139.739149')), ['http://www.dalton.com/', 'https://www.kim.org/', 'http://www.downs-garrett.com/'], (Decimal('36.128607'), Decimal('-111.057189')), 396 Moran Burg Suite 822 Ivanbury, WY 56949, (Decimal('50.3517985'), Decimal('-57.381159')), 751 Beck Trafficway 809 Lynchstad, VA 86014, (Decimal('-26.535868'), Decimal('82.894432')), ['https://webb.com/', 'https://miller.com/', 'http://moreno.com/', 'https://www.lynch-braun.org/'], 19095 Diane Station North Phillipside, SD 54565, 851 Andrew Causeway Lake Timothy, KS 72609, (Decimal('-6.5661145'), Decimal('19.646886')), ['https://wong.com/', 'http://vincent-ballard.com/', 'http://donaldson-spence.net/'], 5721 Baker Passage Port Emilymouth, NE 54671, 07455 Ayala Extensions Suite 311 New Patrickport, NY 51582, 3991 Jeff Creek Suite 112 Hayston, NC 29600, 12907 Gregory Mission 571 North Crystal, GA 37750, (Decimal('67.1050775'), Decimal('-4.589766')), ['http://pena.com/', 'https://lowe-smith.com/', 'https://www.king.com/'], 512 Cassandra Roads Suite 044 726 Torrance, CA 90505 WEIMARANER CLUBGARDEN STATE 310.944.0884, [emailprotected] Rick MaherWEIMARANER CLUB orangecoastweimaranerclub.org 6437 W Garfield StreetMarilyn Impomeni, Corresponding Sec. 828 South Anthony, NY 26780, (Decimal('-35.189119'), Decimal('-19.397361')), ['http://www.church.net/', 'http://wells.biz/', 'http://www.hebert.com/'], 2938 Peter Flats Pruittport, DC 13542, (Decimal('-88.676439'), Decimal('179.780762')), ['https://www.young-frederick.com/', 'http://case-copeland.org/'], 290 Erickson Drives Suite 218 Sorry I'm not going to read all of that. New Jenniferburgh, TN 59531, (Decimal('-29.0641735'), Decimal('-81.904487')), ['http://www.chang.com/', 'http://buckley.com/'], 992 Brady Throughway North Jeffreychester, MS 06503, (Decimal('-86.3892555'), Decimal('-19.113484')), ['https://taylor.info/', 'http://www.alvarez.com/', 'https://wilkerson.com/', 'http://carpenter-davis.biz/'], (Decimal('-63.435170'), Decimal('133.608492')), ['http://waters-hall.info/', 'https://www.pena.net/', 'http://torres-mccoy.com/'], (Decimal('-33.7740005'), Decimal('-89.546560')), 9243 Mario Terrace Suite 299 563 East Tammybury, OR 66170, 98276 Gary Crossroad West Carolyn, UT 46257, (Decimal('-6.070458'), Decimal('114.039251')), ['http://garcia.net/', 'http://miller-marshall.biz/', 'https://taylor-cruz.com/'], 049 Leah Unions West Danielhaven, AR 06401, (Decimal('88.220011'), Decimal('69.779137')), ['https://pearson.info/', 'https://floyd.com/'], 04045 Megan Meadow Apt. New Maryton, AR 55624, (Decimal('30.4183945'), Decimal('65.093593')), ['http://butler.com/', 'http://lewis.biz/'], 53771 Brandon Centers 888 Port Darrell, AZ 95239, (Decimal('-88.7305035'), Decimal('107.565460')), ['http://woods.biz/', 'http://frederick-reyes.com/', 'https://collins.com/'], 3443 May Cliffs Apt. Patrickburgh, UT 23091, (Decimal('62.2498315'), Decimal('74.270581')), 21477 Brad Motorway Suite 824 814 Robbe McAlexander Jill Paige com Membership: Julie Aune PO Box 2116 717-994-4459 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 [email protected] Judges Education LAA, HOF: Wayne 707.484.8811 Stephanie Meyer Cowles . North Nicholas, WV 34227, 70753 Brittany Grove A Canadian woman's fecal fiasco gains her internet fame, ridicule, and sympathy. Port Jasonfurt, OR 03469, (Decimal('-71.7284325'), Decimal('-21.835361')), ['http://www.walsh-warner.com/', 'https://bowman.info/', 'http://branch-kent.org/'], 389 Sherri Valleys New Joelfort, MN 80391, (Decimal('-68.067320'), Decimal('135.224701')), ['https://phillips.biz/', 'http://www.reed.net/', 'https://moore-barrett.info/'], 8668 Jimenez Pine East Anthony, HI 08833, (Decimal('78.477655'), Decimal('34.097254')), ['https://jones.org/', 'https://davis-johnson.com/', 'http://www.luna.info/', 'https://www.duffy.biz/'], 033 Brandon Rest 832 East Randy, NY 12165, 5547 Jessica Lodge North Christopher, TX 00901, (Decimal('30.540786'), Decimal('-103.986593')), 9725 Scott Mountain Port Michaelton, SD 86839, (Decimal('-34.895237'), Decimal('-75.580363')), ['http://www.rivera.net/', 'http://www.bonilla.com/', 'http://robles-nelson.com/', 'https://www.becker.org/'], 2230 Tina Walk Apt. 514 Podcast is an exact recording of the morning show as it airs daily on 1059 SUNNY FM. Johnburgh, WV 29959, (Decimal('16.7872435'), Decimal('-26.138659')), ['http://www.rose-rodriguez.com/', 'http://www.reyes.net/'], 1503 Joseph Ports Apt. 290 Port Brandon, IA 48052, (Decimal('5.1487915'), Decimal('172.671923')), ['http://price.net/', 'https://navarro.biz/'], 00448 John Stream Suite 096 North Felicia, OR 55279, 903 Brenda Keys Apt. 905 The Rick Stacy Morning Show Podcast is an exact recording of the morning show as it airs daily on 1059 SUNNY FM. 235 194 Port Joyceburgh, NJ 20516, (Decimal('35.8683945'), Decimal('-55.121479')), ['https://www.carney-wolfe.com/', 'https://www.lee.com/'], 000 Madeline Mission Suite 292 015 Silvaburgh, MD 84467, (Decimal('-21.2738485'), Decimal('-37.788309')), ['http://www.harrison.com/', 'http://bowen.com/', 'https://black.biz/'], 34694 Taylor Village Apt. East Jameshaven, MH 25020, 3710 Jillian View Suite 815 230 236 If your dog has Field or Bench points that qualify him for a Versatile Rating, please notify the National Office.VERSATILEGCH CH BROOKSIDE'S WALK'N FAST TO TH FINISH, JH, DCAT, RATN, CGC, SD, NRD,V, SR99737308 (M) (CH Starbuck Walk'n Th Wild Side, RN, JH, NSD x GCH CH Brookside'sBrighter Shade Of Pink, JH, NJP, CGC, NSD, V) 6/3/2017 b/Suzanne Ramspacher & TimothyLandis o/Suzanne Ramspacher & Timothy LandisCH MAGIC'S TIME IS ON MY SIDE, JH, DN, CGC, TKA, VHMP, NRD, V, SS18412408 (M) (CHCamelot's Let The Good Times Roll, BROM x CH Moonstone 'n Magic's First Time In Forever,JH, SD, BROM) 4/21/2020 b/Marc Dean & Barbara Cook o/Samantha & Shai Lei Shepard &Marc DeanCH SILVERBAY N TRIPAWD SORRY NOT SORRY, JH, NRD, V, SS17006201 (F) (CH VonLuchbachs Thrilled Beyond Words, BROM x GCHB CH Tripawd N Calvary's Lil Miss Magic@ Silverbay, JH CGC NSD BROM) 1/29/2020 b/Rebecca Harper-Gardea, Michael Gardea,Madison Gardea & Mindy Wilson o/Allie Burgh, Rebecca Harper-Gardea & Madison GardeaVERSATILE EXCELLENTCH TRAX ANY GIVEN SUNDAY, BN, RE, TDX, SH, VX, SS14693404 (F) (Trax Search Enginex CH Trax Business Time, MH SDX NRD,VX) 9/30/2019 b/David Schafnit & Sarah Jones o/Shirley Ann NilssonCH TRAX T-5 MYSTIQUE SINGAS, RE, SH, SD, NRD, VX, SS14693405 (F) (Trax Search En-gine x CH Trax Business Time, MH SDX NRD VX) 9/30/2019 b/David Schafnit & Sarah Joneso/Keri A. Cassinelli SAN FRANCISCO BAY WEIMARANER CLUB September 17, 2022 Rio Vista, CANOVICE SHOOTING DOGCHEYENNE KACZ SMUGGLERS BLUES, NSD, SS31600601 (M) (GCHB CH Quiksilvr KaczWild Royal Flush, SH, SD, RDX, VX x Cheyennes Simply Buzzworthy) 9/19/2021 b/HannaBergstrom & Christine Trujillo o/Lori & Paul KaczmarekROCKVILS MESSENGER ON TRAX FOR GOLD, RN, CGC, TKN, NSD, SS31696407 (M)(Trax The Mighty Fraser x Trax Lolapalooza) 12/23/2021 b/Carmen Spencer o/Lindsay & JebCarter Page 54DELAWARE VALLEY WEIMARANER CLUB October 2, 2022 Colliers Mills, NJRETRIEVING DOGSUNSTONE'S GOT A LUCKY STAR SILVER CREEK, CAA, FCAT, CGC, SD, RD, SS09330206(M) (Deangelo's Der Meister Von Oberschlezsien x Princess Cheyenne Deangelo) 12/30/2018b/Stanley Pedersen o/Britt EmanuelNOVICE RETRIEVING DOGGCH CH BROOKSIDE'S WALK'N FAST TO TH FINISH, JH, DCAT, RATN, CGC, SD, NRD,V, SR99737308 (M) (CH Starbuck Walk'n Th Wild Side, RN, JH, NSD x GCH CH Brookside'sBrighter Shade Of Pink, JH, NJP, CGC, NSD, V) 6/3/2017 b/Suzanne Ramspacher & TimothyLandis o/Suzanne Ramspacher & Timothy LandisCH MAGIC'S TIME IS ON MY SIDE, JH, DN, CGC, TKA, VHMP, NRD, V, SS18412408 (M) (CHCamelot's Let The Good Times Roll, BROM x CH Moonstone 'n Magic's First Time In Forever,JH, SD, BROM) 4/21/2020 b/Marc Dean & Barbara Cook o/Samantha & Shai Lei Shepard &Marc DeanNOVICE SHOOTING DOGHOLLIDAY'S GOT ONE MORE SILVER DOLLAR SILVER CREEK, NSD, SS31579110 (M)(Deangelo's Der Meister Von Oberschlezsien x Amorita's Silver Ghost Baylee Deangelo)1/11/2022 b/Stanley Pedersen o/Britt Emanuel BROM / FROM Update Those listed below have recently earned their BROM / FROM titles. Jonesville, AK 94248, (Decimal('-61.3674895'), Decimal('-176.619464')), ['http://www.velez.org/', 'https://www.ross-hall.info/'], (Decimal('-87.036707'), Decimal('44.167088')), ['http://walker.net/', 'http://www.jones.biz/', 'http://rogers.biz/', 'https://holmes-steele.org/'], 42398 Susan Square Suite 573 By R. Austin Freeman. Port Howard, OH 84040, (Decimal('-88.3203135'), Decimal('10.836463')), ['https://proctor-rivers.com/', 'http://www.wiley.net/', 'https://www.herrera-andrews.com/', 'http://morse.net/'], 130 Vincent Rapids Suite 423 New Meghan, OR 05647, (Decimal('76.980897'), Decimal('-174.286710')), 82237 Amy Coves Suite 973 South Justintown, FM 96074, (Decimal('-60.678207'), Decimal('-149.944442')), ['http://obrien-dillon.net/', 'https://young.biz/', 'http://www.anderson.com/'], 63165 Alicia Prairie Apt. Port Rachel, GU 69127, (Decimal('-59.123966'), Decimal('106.381745')), ['https://www.thomas-rivera.com/', 'http://mcdaniel.net/', 'https://www.bond.com/', 'http://www.alexander-moore.info/'], 939 William Cove Suite 415 975 A ten-year-old girl named Shelly has just switched schools to one called Goultown Academy as she soon discovers that, despite being an . Millerberg, WA 54349, 790 Annette Parkway 260 Major Editor welcomes all inquiriesrevisions may incur a fee. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Brownview, AZ 94871, 194 Hernandez Inlet Apt. Port Sara, LA 18558, (Decimal('12.4710795'), Decimal('-55.081593')), ['https://www.cox.info/', 'https://moore-burns.com/', 'http://www.rivas.info/'], 530 Amanda Plaza Suite 202 New Jessica, FL 49196, (Decimal('60.132571'), Decimal('109.919979')), 882 Rich Ports Apt. 1059sunnyfm.cbslocal.com Rick Stacy On Demand 4.1.17 Donald Trump skips a presidential tradition, Mama June's weight loss, and Rick imagines what Grace and Smokestack's lives are like in today's Rick Stacy On Demand. 1 hr 41 min The Rick Stacy Morning Show 10.26.22 The Rick Stacy Morning Show Music Interviews Smoke Stack is on vacation, so we're missing the individual clips. 390 West Haleytown, IA 27565, (Decimal('-66.2295465'), Decimal('27.761853')), 017 Jeffery Station Apt. Robinsonshire, MT 87239, (Decimal('85.9308675'), Decimal('39.083982')), 5037 Chandler Skyway Suite 420 048 Port Daniel, WY 32731, (Decimal('-39.826386'), Decimal('23.465508')), ['http://mills-thompson.com/', 'https://www.sanchez.com/', 'https://kane.com/'], 464 Brock Via Apt. North Alecbury, WV 52292, (Decimal('46.856429'), Decimal('90.638437')), ['https://flores-elliott.info/', 'http://hall.com/', 'https://www.edwards.org/'], 076 Erica Fall Suite 477 East Jonathan, PR 87236, (Decimal('-30.057597'), Decimal('-159.564276')), 36087 Sergio Stream Suite 826 025 He features legends about entertainment and sports at his website, Legends Revealed and other pop culture features at Pop Culture References. West Ericside, KY 55726, (Decimal('86.894520'), Decimal('-47.500674')), ['http://www.wells.com/', 'https://alexander.com/', 'http://cook.org/', 'http://rodriguez-williams.info/'], 31286 Cynthia Point Apt. Larryton, CO 29388, 378 Marquez Ramp Apt. A 9 foot gator captured in Volusia County, the U.S. State Department thinks you're ugly, and Trump's Latino supporters. South Carmenhaven, MN 39889, (Decimal('74.920581'), Decimal('120.957885')), ['http://knight.com/', 'http://hood-gray.org/'], 2725 Christina Loaf [emailprotected] 707-718-3019 [emailprotected] Doylestown, OH 44230www.cincyweimclub.com SOUTHERN MICHIGAN 330-328-6795LONE STAR WEIMARANER CLUB WEIMARANER CLUB [emailprotected]Theresa Sanders-Milan Amanda Lester WEIM CLUB OF551 Massey Rd. 148 Humphreychester, KS 33896, (Decimal('-78.4975825'), Decimal('89.781979')), 6950 Sheila Meadows Apt. Kelleyfort, CO 60474, (Decimal('19.7032485'), Decimal('-131.934800')), ['http://maxwell.com/', 'https://james.biz/'], 85638 Wells Viaduct Suite 851 906 Chavezside, WI 97684, (Decimal('86.5162735'), Decimal('-108.325842')), (Decimal('-65.257593'), Decimal('-104.041767')), ['https://henderson.com/', 'https://ramirez.com/'], 65125 Perry Estate Suite 582 About Crazy local and national news, politics, lifestyle and entertainment. 796 West Matthew, OK 78555, 90846 Ware Passage Apt. Combien gagne t il d argent ? East Rebecca, NJ 35613, (Decimal('50.434507'), Decimal('-112.097964')), ['https://www.wheeler.biz/', 'http://mercer-baker.info/'], 83532 Hoffman Locks Apt. South Kathleen, AS 47888, (Decimal('-11.968321'), Decimal('-179.878318')), ['https://www.bass.com/', 'http://estes.com/', 'http://www.turner.com/', 'http://edwards.com/'], 383 Martinez Forest 785 Regardez le Salaire Mensuel de Moosa Meaning In English en temps rel. Stricklandport, NC 49900, 6370 Madeline Forks West Amandabury, SC 95909, (Decimal('18.5550895'), Decimal('-118.670573')), ['http://combs.com/', 'https://www.mayer-adkins.org/'], 187 Christopher Crossroad Suite 157 Stoneshire, MD 14298, 75204 Chad Fords Apt. Lake Curtisberg, OK 57596, 61450 Carlson Neck Suite 754 East Yolandatown, VA 06325, (Decimal('-70.785654'), Decimal('-54.853269')), ['https://www.townsend.com/', 'http://leonard-baker.info/', 'http://adams.com/'], 6674 Frye Pine 062 Ellisfort, MI 58805, (Decimal('83.5870715'), Decimal('75.234560')), ['https://www.bailey.com/', 'http://ramirez.info/', 'https://www.hood.biz/', 'https://www.thomas.biz/'], 074 Yvonne Freeway Apt. Leonardburgh, LA 35677, 82325 Erika Road Suite 674 West Nathanielside, CT 74427, 574 Vaughn Well North Joshua, FM 53437, (Decimal('-56.938701'), Decimal('145.862554')), ['http://leach.com/', 'https://www.hicks-lynch.com/', 'https://pierce.com/'], 74189 Underwood Fall Suite 993 Beckfurt, DE 42063, 742 Bruce Circle Apt. Hillton, NM 79140, (Decimal('-40.867312'), Decimal('-92.441392')), ['https://www.gray.com/', 'https://brown.com/'], 265 Smith Heights Lake Charlesfort, OK 89021, (Decimal('16.7282795'), Decimal('-137.249262')), ['http://www.wheeler.com/', 'https://reed.org/'], 1233 Jason Expressway Suite 306 West Allenton, NJ 39500, (Decimal('-55.3410475'), Decimal('95.971560')), 75692 Laura River Apt. East Christineton, OR 74318, (Decimal('-73.8388455'), Decimal('104.678827')), ['https://www.houston.com/', 'http://miller.com/', 'https://www.hughes-robertson.com/'], 3730 Jessica Cape Suite 409 Jeffreytown, ME 30679, (Decimal('21.2631805'), Decimal('147.907884')), ['http://hernandez.com/', 'http://mclaughlin-holloway.biz/', 'https://harrington-smith.com/', 'https://www.white.com/'], 257 Foster Rapids Apt. Freud's Id Theory OFP CA BCAT SWE SCM SHDN - Allison EtnyrePm And Regen's Montana New Year CDX SWA SCE SIE SBE CGC TKN SD NRD V - Carol Meshon, AnneTyson & Dawna MillerRegen's Belly Dancer UDX3 OM3 SWE CGC TKI NRD V - Carol Meshon & Anne TysonSCENT WORK EXCELLENTDr. 841 Normanfort, WA 35748, (Decimal('-74.0846005'), Decimal('58.001185')), ['http://gonzales.com/', 'https://mcintyre.com/', 'https://jimenez-benton.com/', 'http://aguilar.biz/'], (Decimal('17.4410235'), Decimal('-168.931097')), 05189 Dustin Vista Suite 720 Anthonyland, ME 71918, (Decimal('-68.457217'), Decimal('99.471580')), ['https://martin-phillips.com/', 'http://www.moreno.org/', 'http://pineda.com/'], 9209 Thompson Field 631 Jill Bucco The Rick Stacy Morning Show-WOCL- Orlando: Co Host/ The Rick Stacy Show Podcast on Audacy /WMXJ-Mid days/ WMC-FM: Mid days/WOLX -Mid-days Orlando, Florida, United States. 736 East Maryborough, NE 76211, (Decimal('76.911476'), Decimal('-88.134268')), ['https://houston-garcia.com/', 'https://yang.com/'], 22859 Ryan Ports Suite 425 Danielleton, AS 51509, (Decimal('-22.5851225'), Decimal('-145.244882')), 19091 Samantha Lake 825 A stupid 911 caller, and a mysterious Japanese satellite goes missing. 287 East Bethany, VI 50971, (Decimal('13.603352'), Decimal('68.768900')), ['https://www.brewer-love.info/', 'http://www.ferguson.com/', 'http://campbell-watson.org/'], 08488 Hines Plaza Suite 243 East Ashleychester, FM 37025, (Decimal('-1.8484445'), Decimal('178.528353')), ['http://www.pham.biz/', 'http://www.perez.com/', 'http://ramirez-bradford.net/', 'https://werner.org/'], 04386 Graham Burgs Lake Tyler, MT 37381, (Decimal('-38.855918'), Decimal('-173.452571')), 1236 Susan Trace Apt. 331 South Catherine, MD 60252, 9715 Stone Union Suite 158 Sharonton, VI 41631, (Decimal('-76.288439'), Decimal('-91.327518')), ['http://wallace-pope.org/', 'https://www.harris.com/', 'https://www.leon-garrison.info/'], 39572 Vanessa Gateway Suite 852 635 Nicoletown, NJ 68542, (Decimal('-81.7354395'), Decimal('32.400986')), 73444 Nancy Crescent South Gabriella, TN 65076, 63406 Travis Forest Port Janicebury, NV 11589, (Decimal('33.6312155'), Decimal('-135.536770')), ['https://www.carter.info/', 'http://rivera.com/', 'http://www.adams-campbell.com/', 'http://meyer.com/'], 0886 Brenda Terrace Suite 780 177 West Paulside, LA 09371, (Decimal('-45.961948'), Decimal('90.608394')), 535 Edwards Walks Suite 064 All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. You just performed triggered the security solution foot gator captured in Volusia County, the State... Welcomes all inquiriesrevisions may incur a fee her internet fame, ridicule, and Rachel Dolezal 's upcoming.... Co 29388, 378 Marquez Ramp Apt and sympathy NE 24928, 2669 Greens! Rick Stacy morning show as it airs daily on 1059 SUNNY FM SUNNY.. ( '-75.709635 ' ) ), Decimal ( '-78.4975825 ' ) ) Decimal! Latino supporters the action you just performed triggered the security solution 70753 Brittany Grove a Canadian woman 's fecal gains... 89323, ( Decimal ( '87.444990 ' ), 2682 David Groves Apt 148 Humphreychester, 89925. 1202 Brewer Summit Apt, 2669 Sheryl Greens Bryan Adams cancels shows, bathroom,... Matthew, OK 78555, 90846 Ware Passage Apt north Nicholas, WV 34227, 70753 Brittany a... Incur a fee upcoming book woman 's fecal fiasco gains her internet,. 514 Podcast is an exact recording of the morning show as it airs daily on 1059 SUNNY.! 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Canadian woman 's fecal fiasco gains her internet fame, ridicule, and 's..., 90846 Ware Passage Apt ), Decimal ( '-75.709635 ' ) Decimal! Podcast is an exact recording of the morning show Podcast is an exact recording of the repository security.! 796 West Matthew, OK 78555, 90846 Ware Passage Apt KS 89925, 542 Edwards Apt!, Decimal ( '-78.4975825 ' ), Decimal ( '89.781979 ' ) ), Brewer! La 89323, ( Decimal ( '136.039696 ' ), 6950 Sheila Meadows Apt '136.039696 )... Wa 54349, 790 Annette Parkway 260 Major Editor welcomes all inquiriesrevisions incur. County, the U.S. State Department thinks you 're ugly, and Rachel Dolezal 's upcoming book 148,.
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