If you notice, only the sides and the ends are wrinkled, not the top. Well, it helped me but did nothing to change my brothers thoughts. **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. Can you help? I am working on honoring my late grandfather with a shadow box and eventually (once we can travel) a trip to Omaha beach to retrace the steps of his infantry during D-Day followed by flying a flag in honor of him and the men of the 115th Infantry at the cemetery. Jonathan James Lives in Essex, CT. (1981-present) Author has 224 answers and 151.7K answer views 4 y Bush 41 & McCain flags were both wrinkled for a specific reason, You should specify mid-let February. Thank you. The 1st fold of the flag is a symbol of life. The Flag Code specifies that a veteran of any war or anyone who honorably served a term of military service after 1955 can have a flag provided for his funeral free by the United States government.Anyone who considers themselves a patriotic American can request that his casket be draped in the flag. First responders could also opt for their local flag or their respective Thin Line novelty flag. However, there is no room for publicly dressing the flag each time the casket comes to rest. I researched the same, and found no proof of Audie Murphys casket showing a wrinkled flag. Example: A WWII veteran would have a different flag than say a Desert Storm Veteran would have. Their services and handlers consider them just as much a partner as a human. I reached out to the surviving family members and no one knows what happened to the flag that draped his casket when he was buried in Arlington. A JROTC who does not list, Close Interval is required for all MC color gua, With the use of the photo, the "O" in "Force needs, I had a request for more CAP-related critique cont, BREAKING! I thought EVERY detail would be perfect. National Volunteer Fire Council Funeral Procedures for Firefighters: A Resource Manual. We hope the information we have provided will be a useful resource to visitors. See Laws Relating to Funeral Honors for more information. For a Roman Catholic service, a white cloth, called a pall, is placed on the casket when it enters the church. Digging online I found much info about service and years of service. Best Regards, WTF.. The message you send by placing an American flag over an animal is that the service members life is equivalent to that of a dog/animal. Yes. I have a question for you and was wondering if you could provide me with feed back. The wrinkles I saw were not that apparent. God Bless You. How does one go about doing that.Mr. The Ghost of Oak Redhammer. Traitors dont deserve flags without wrinkles!Make sure this account has posts available on instagram.com.Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Succulent Fish Meat Rdr2, The wrinkles I saw were not that apparent. My younger brother thinks he should get the flag. Flag Presentation Protocol and the Meaning of the Folds of the Flag-Draped Coffin A United States burial casket flag drapes the casket of deceased veterans to honor the memory of their service to the country. After the service, the procedure is reversed. I would respect your opinion most on this topic. A bit of confusion here What rule, regulation, law or decree from U.S. Code covering Honors for the U.S. All of the Body Bearers did an outstanding job. DeSantis Introduces Permanent Protections Against Coercive Biomedical Policies. The ceremonial folding and presentation of the flag is a moving tribute of lasting importance to the veterans family. He has also been featured in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL and several national magazines. See also Rendering Honors, The Briefing for Funeral Directors and Honor Guard Members. There are very good reasons for the wrinkles and creases- the body bearers must constantly reach under the flag to grasp the casket handles and a casket band is most likely used each time the casket is loaded into a coach or aircraft. ASSOCIATED PRESS Ceremonies are underway to honor former President George H.W. The 13th fold, or when the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost reminding them of their Nations motto, In God We Trust. On January 22, this article will post: https://thedrillmaster.org/2019/01/22/the-meaning-of-the-thirteen-flag-folds/. These large star interment flags are for military veterans, elected officials, and federal law enforcement officers who serve in the Department of Homeland Security and others. One for my uncle who was a veteran of ww2 and my late father in law. A second Flag was placed on Mccain's coffin after it was dried. ", U.S. Marine Corps: "On behalf of the President of the United States, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, and a grateful nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one's honorable and faithful service. Not sure what you mean by "let them live a long well respected life". Compared to every other president funeral flag that are big. The 9th fold is a tribute to womanhood and Mothers. I have an older sister and younger brother. The flag should be displayed so that it faces the same direction as if it were the American flag. Fold the header (white band) under the flag to display only the blue field and stripes. The 12th fold represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in the Christians eyes, God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. Please share your thoughts about this article below. Martin, check with your local police department honor guard or high school JROTC and see if they would be able to help you Im sure they would be able to fold your flags. I consulted vexillologist DeVaughn Simper of Colonial Flag (www.colonialflag.com) and he surmised that the only way that could have happened would be a glitch in the setup of the embroidery machine. This custom began during the Napoleonic Wars (1796-1815). Pagani Huayra Interior Seat Hole, Thank your dad for his service for me and also thank you for serving our great country. If your coffin has a wrinkled flag your soul can't find its way back to Sorros, everyone knows that. These wrinkled can occur when the casket has been carried frequently by the casket bearers from one place to another. Do you have images and/or folding dimensions/instructions for this uncommon flag fold? I posted it without reviewing it first. Wrinkled flag = The Storm 367 110 110 comments Best Add a Comment adam_n_eve 2 mo. Note: If the deceased was serving on Active Duty, he/she would have appointed a PNOK in writing, for notification. The edges of the flag gets wrinkled by the uniforms and bodies of the bearers, and it is difficult to get the wrinkles out unless the flag is removed entirely and re-pressed. wrinkled flag | The DrillMaster About DrillMaster University Blog Resources Store Tag Archive Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been tagged as "wrinkled flag" All about the Flag on the Casket DrillMaster December 19, 2012 Honor Guard, Honor Guard Training, Instructional 59 Comments DrillMaster explains all about the flag on a casket. Thats why it has grommets on the header (white band). The 7th fold is a tribute to its Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that they protect their country and their flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of their republic. The entire ethos of Top Conspos, summed up in a simple Top Minds have found a new hill to die on. Body bearers transfer the casket to an aircraft. While Public Law 94-344 does not place any significance or meaning to the thirteen folds of the American flag, the sentiments below have been adopted as a tradition by veterans and family members of veterans of our great nation as they reflect what we recognize about our flag and our country. Watch this from my friend Daniel to understand even more: George HW Bush FuneralDoes anybody notice the wrinkled flag? Menu. The only possible explanation for this is that "Bush was sentenced to death by a secret military tribunal for crimes against humanity". Canines serve their country in the military and law enforcement and in other capacities and are considered a member of the military or law enforcement agency. And then they are going to reveal that they have killed former political leaders in secret, and everyone is going to be happy about it. A heavily wrinkled flag is disrespectful to the veteran, and should not be used. He had a flag that was given to his wife. After the plane lands, body bearers transfer the casket to a coach where it is taken to the capital rotunda in Washington DC. The canton field of blue dresses from left to right and is inverted when draped as a pall on a casket of a veteran who has served our country in uniform. I have emailed several other people but no one seems to know why the flag has 2 upside down stars. Im sure it has some significant meaning but I cant seem to find anyone who can tell me what it is. Inexcusable. Out oldest living WWII veteran will not receive a 48-star flag on his casket just because the US was comprised of 48 states during his time of service. The portion of the flag denoting honor is the canton of blue containing the stars representing the states our veterans served in uniform. The funeral precession ends up being very creepy to watch once you know the context. At Westminster Hall, the public will see the Queen's. A flag display is not restricted. A United States burial casket flag drapes the casket of deceased veterans to honor the memory of their service to the country. The wrinkles are on the lower edges. George Herbert Walker Bush - 41st President of the United States, member of the Greatest Generation, World War II Navy pilot, and a family man of unquestioned decency - was just shown the ultimate disrespect by having his casket draped in an appallingly wrinkled American flag. They were small, light wrinkles on the lower edges only, caused by casket bearers carrying the casket close to their own bodies.Sometimes a veteran will ask that a very old flag be used to drape their casket. 226K subscribers The casket carrying the remains of George H.W. This includes:Any discussion about other users in the thread or the sub. Flags with special or historic significance can and should be framed for display. Worst Discord Bots, The Flag was found in a dumpster. I was led to believe that any reservist/ guardsman had to have at least 180 days active duty to be considered a veteran.. (possibly explaining the small stars)Anyone who graduates Basic Training, Boot Camp, or is commissioned as an officer after Officer Training School/Officer Candidate School, or college ROTC is considered a veteran. American flags used for draping across a casket are 9 1/2 x 5 feet to provide proper coverage.Although not specified in the flag code, when a casket is half-opened, the flag is traditionally folded into thirds with the "field" showing on top and to the deceased's left, still covering the closed part of the casket. My question is, My family and I are wondering if it is against protocol to place his photo on top of the flag covered casket ? studio apartments in dc under $1000. This is a great article! At the end of the ceremony, the flag is presented to the next of kin (see next), usually by the military chaplain. Feet-first at all times except in two instances: I was asked, did the research, and heres what I found. I feel like a display case should only be used as a memorial for our fallen veterans, law enforcement, including our K-9 officers. According to DeVaughn Simper, staff vexillologist at Colonial Flag, http://www.colonialflag.com, it was an off and on practice during the 1950s and 1960s. American flags used for draping across a casket are 9 1/2 x 5 feet to provide proper coverage.Although not specified in the flag code, when a casket is half-opened, the flag is traditionally folded into thirds with the "field" showing on top and to the deceased's left, still covering the closed part of the casket. https://twitter.com/TheQniversity/status/1309134936608313344, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icqFuvzDykc&t=326s. To judge someone as less than worthy of receiving funeral honors just because they killed their self, is inappropriate. I'm just asking questions by the way, I'm not a big Q-follower. The two upside down stars are a fluke, like one of the US mints double stamping a coin or something similar. Ive been reading a lot about the Christian Flag higher or lower then the US Flag. Some state, city, and county elected officials and first responders who serve their state desire to have their states flag, which is just fine. How does one go about doing that. Don't think it's true? I have one displayed for my father in a case, but I dont know if its appropriate to do them same with the flag in question. (We Love Trump benefits when you use this promo code. Bush, the 41st U.S. president, who died Friday at the age of 94. I am certain that many conspiracies are definitely not theories, but agree with you that there is nothing to the Wrinkled Flag Theory that I explain in the article above. Actually, while Ive made all kinds of changes throughout the website, the top picture is correct because the white band is showing. During a military commitment ceremony, the flag which was used to drape the casket is held waist high over the grave by the pallbearers and, immediately after the sounding of "Taps," is folded in accordance with the instructions given at the top of this page. The Standard gives a concise overview of our programs and helps to connect our Servicemembers with the resources they need to most effectively complete their missions. Any idea on how this theory grew legs? Look again. There is a synthetic version of the interment flag and it is only for attaching to a halyard to fly. Please dont place the flag on the animal. Interment:the burial of a corpse in a grave or tomb, typically with funeral rites. I was wondering when the flags are flown at half mask , can the Christian flag stay up ? The edges of the flag gets wrinkled by the uniforms and bodies of the bearers, and it is difficult to get the wrinkles out unless the flag is removed entirely and re-pressed.The wrinkles I saw were not that apparent. The flag for one who dies on active duty is provided by one's branch of service. Stoves. My father does not want her to have the flag. Im so sorry for your loss. Mourners should stand at attention and hold the headdress over the left breast at any time the casket is being moved by the pallbearers and during the service at the grave, including the firing of volleys and the sounding of Taps. The transfer of command of the USA just, Rendering Honors, The Briefing for Funeral Directors and Honor Guard Members, Pelosi grants George Floyd military honor | Flopping Aces, Debunking Fall Cabal by Janet Ossebaard - Parts 6-10 - Pepijn van Erp, https://thedrillmaster.org/2014/07/29/unofficial-flag-fold-scripts/, https://thedrillmaster.org/2019/01/22/the-meaning-of-the-thirteen-flag-folds/, The Pathfinder Drill and Ceremonies Manual, The Why of the Color Guard: Joint Armed Forces Flags. The 11th fold represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon and glorifies in the Hebrews eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You can purchase simple or elaborate cases for folded flags online. When the deceased is a chaplain and he is going in/out of the chapel. It is a cotton flag that is 5 feet by 9 1/2 feet with embroidered stars. These wrinkled can occur when the casket has been carried frequently by the casket bearers from one place to another. Maybe even have a small plaque made that can be attached to the back that describes where the flag was displayed and by whom. Closed casket: the flag should be draped on the casket so that the union (the blue field) is at the head and over the left shoulder of the deceased. Can you share who those companies are or are they not allowed to sell to the general public? Why cant protocol give the flag to first the spouse if living, then to the oldest veteran child if there is one, then to the oldest living child, then down the line? Required fields are marked *. pic.twitter.com/lON0NpsBsh. After receiving this I either forgot or didn't know as much as I thought I did. Flags are pressed at the factory where they are made, and if need be, are pressed again before a viewing or funeral. A solution to this is to have one flag draped over the casket and then both flags mounted on staffs, placed in stands, and put behind the casket and, when the time comes, carried by the color guard. If so, Here is an article about the unofficial scripts: https://thedrillmaster.org/2014/07/29/unofficial-flag-fold-scripts/. If the flag were to be picked up and displayed toward the family, it would display correctly from the familys viewpoint with the canton in the upper left. Support those who so generously give to our Servicemembers and their families. I would like to get then resolved and placed in a proper box. If no spouse, the eldest child. But if it had meaning for the veteran, it is permissible to drape the casket with that type of flag.Normally flags are pressed extremely well, and no wrinkles appear anywhere. Preferably low heat with a "dry" steam to remove any wrinkles from the box the VA sent the flag in. It's a death transport that now identifies as a death trap. You found ONE instance of a possibility, but cannot prove it conclusively. The American flag is only folded over a casket that is fully closed only. There is a tradition to bury a war veteran with a small flag or should it be requested, it is proper for a veteran to be buried with his or her body wrapped in the flag. There is nothing wrong with that. The only possible explanation for this is that "Bush was sentenced to death by a secret military tribunal for crimes against humanity". The pallbearers make every effort to dress the flag after the casket is placed.The small stars of Pres. When I got it home I realized 2 of the stars were upside down. The wrinkles are on the lower edges. Sign up here for life membership to both organizations. Did the Marines just like Army technique better? This is what the American flag is called that is draped over a casket. The funeral precession ends up being very creepy to watch once you know the context. The tops of those flags draped over those caskets for GHW Bush and McCain were horribly wrinkled and they didnt fold and tuck the corners on McCains hes supposedly a POW wartime Senator youd think theyd take way better care of the Flag. There are certain companies that make these flags and each company has slight variations to their flags. I was led to believe that any reservist/ guardsman had to have at least 180 days active duty to be considered a veteran.. (possibly explaining the small stars)Anyone who graduates Basic Training, Boot Camp, or is commissioned as an officer after Officer Training School/Officer Candidate School, or college ROTC is considered a veteran. Ill do some research on this and get back to you. Both pallbearers keep their hands on the casket the whole time. At the same time, I can find dozens of images and give you personal first-hand accounts from those who have carried caskets at the veteran and state level, including myself, as proof. Could you please help me out on this ? Sign up here for life membership to both organizations.Support those who so generously give to our Servicemembers and their families.We have several life insurance options to meet theneeds of you and your family.Keep yourself informed by attending the NGAMS Annual Conference and the NGAUS Conference. The edges of the flag gets wrinkled by the uniforms and bodies of the bearers, and it is difficult to get the wrinkles out unless the flag is . Also, please excuse my typos above. My condolences for your loss. The field of blue is at the head and over the left shoulder. A frail, older flag may be a little discolored or wrinkled. The flag pictured is not dressed and the band is too high. As the coffin of Sen. Mccain was being carried up the Capitol steps in Phoenix it was pouring rain. Side note: National colors do not dip for any reason. Mr. Zieg, Really, over a canine? DrillMaster December 19, 2012 Honor Guard, Honor Guard Training, Instructional 59 Comments. Always wait until someone is over 90 and in ill health to execute them. I forget what companies are authorized to make large star interment flags but they are not allowed to sell them to the general public. If so, Here is an article about the unofficial scripts: Sorry, I meant to address this question to The Drill Master.Have to respectfully disagree with you over the wrinkled flags on a casket. The 3rd fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans departing the ranks who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of the country to attain peace throughout the world. A chaplains feet face toward his congregation when in the chapel as if addressing his people. Thanks in advance for your time. My brother said I could have that flag and hed take the draped flag. Carrying the casket with the flag draped or dressed is up to the team. For it has been through their faith, their love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great has been molded. During a military commitment ceremony, the flag which was used to drape the casket is held waist high over the grave by the pallbearers and, immediately after the sounding of "Taps," is folded in accordance with the instructions given at the top of this page. There is only one fold authorized for the American flag and that is detailed in the Flag Code. The small stars of Pres. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. QAnon believers are convinced that the wrinkles on the flag draped over George HW Bush's coffin are a secret signal that he was a traitor. It is very tightly crammed into that box. Read our full Disclosure. There were some wrinkles on John Lewis casket, on George H W Bushs casket, and on John McCains casket. Your email address will not be published. Flag are you citing with this? From photos of the recent GHWB and McCain funerals, the flag appears to be placed upside down since the approach to both flag draped caskets had the field of stars placed in the bottom right hand corner. (Half-half). I have an American Flag that was flown in Iraq sent to me back around 2005 from a soldier that was stationed there. Pingback: Pelosi grants George Floyd military honor | Flopping Aces. Neither of them served their country. The upper half of the flag (thehalf with the canton) is arranged in three layers of even folds and the bottom half of the flag covers the closed half of the casket. Understand that those that are killed in war may have wrinkled flags until returning, but at their funerals, they rarely are if ever wrinkled. The flag-draped casket of former President George H.W. I lost my husband on April 27, 2019. https://abc7ne.ws/2ritWve. Here is what happens. Firstly, Thank you for your service. As mentioned above, the large star flag is for military veterans, etc. During the service, when the flag is removed, it is raised and held waist high over the casket, especially while "Taps" is played. Singer John Legend: "Have To Start Thinking Of Going Somewhere Ilhan Omar Admits Plan in New Book, Writes "Im going FLASHBACK: President Trump Says I Caught The Swamp, I Caught Them All, Newborn Baby Dies of Large Blood Clot After Hospital Loses Unvaccinated Blood for Transfusion Procured by Parents. pic.twitter.com/lON0NpsBsh. Military retirees/veterans obtain their flags from the funeral home/Post Office and first responders flags are provided through their department. That was most likely an oversight by a funeral director's inattention to detail. Only one flag is authorized to be folded during a military funeral service. I looked up Audie Murphys (considered by many to be the most decorated war hero of WWII) casket and his flag is pretty wrinkled too. Any first responder or member of the military can receive a flag on their casket regardless of how they passed. miss universe 2021 psychic predictions; orange county ca obituaries 2021 Read our full Disclosure. It arrived folded obviously and Ive always keep it folded exactly the way it arrived. Seven Samurai Gomovies, But my question is,,, is it protocol to put the names of the veteran on the header.? Next they'll do a map of Bush's wrinkled face and claim the resulting pattern spells out "smocking.". But most caskets are not placed on view in different public buildings, nor moved a great deal by casket bearers. The head of the casket faces to the familys left. Help Support USHistory.org! Seen military funerals. The flag must never touch the ground. Casket flags are 9-1/2'x5' which is almost twice larger than the usual 5'x3' house flag. Pallbearers remove the flag, the pall (a very significant large ceremonial white cloth with sometimes with a simple or ornate design, mainly used by Roman Catholics) is placed and the service takes place. After Taps is played, the flag is carefully folded into the symbolic tricorner shape. See this article, The Draped and Dressed Casket, that explains how pallbearers (Body Bearers, Casket Bearers) dress the flag for carrying and placement. The funeral precession ends up being very creepy to watch once you know the context. It would be recommended that during the service that it be explained that the flag is draping the coffin as an expression of the deceased's patriotism and love of country. Which will hopefully not be for a while, but my younger brother and I thought that might be the perfect place for it to be forever, IF it is proper. Please dont lean the flag against the urn. Oh and the flag isnt wrinkled either but hey we'll gloss over that 151 Reply Source: USAF Honor Guard Basic Protocol, Honors, and Ceremonies L5AZO8G000 [pdf]. Drillmaster, Im seeking information about the 13 Colony Fold. Get the cases and then have the flags folded to fit. Its a special flag to be sure. The flag is placed on a closed casket so the union blue field is at the head and over the left shoulder of the deceased. Click here for a very good product. I understand what you are saying, but military and police K9s are enlisted members of their service and even earn rank. If you love what we do, please consider a $1/month donation to keep us live! Flags are provided for burial services of Servicemembers and Veterans. This wrinkled flag theory is becoming a hot topic, and even through some research, there is no way I can feel 100% confident that the wrinkled flag means that the deceased were traitors or they werent. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Recovered partial remains are lighter since its just bones and possibly uniform material. Here is an example. After Taps is played, the flag is carefully folded into the symbolic tri-cornered shape. I would like to get then resolved and placed in a proper box. The wrinkled flags are real ones used in military funerals. It is traditionally placed upon the caskets of current and former members of the military who served honorably. When a service member dies while overseas, the remains are brought back to the USA via the case that is packed with ice. Mr. Martin, check with your local police department honor guard or high school JROTC and see if they would be able to help you Im sure they would be able to fold your flags. My Grandfather was a Paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne. It is with their heart that they pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. A recovered body would obviously be much heavier. Pretty Maids All In A Row Tarantino, Singer John Legend: "Have To Start Thinking Of Going Somewhere Ilhan Omar Admits Plan in New Book, Writes "Im going Special Counsel John Durham Sends Message to AG Garland, Comedian Mocks Jesus, Brags About Multiple Jabs.Then Collapses On Stage, REPORT: Elites Now Requiring Only Unvaxxed Pilots, Democrat Calls for Impeachment of War Criminal Joe Biden, HUGE: Trump Declares He Has INFO On Everyone. Enter your email address to subscribe & receive notifications of new posts by email. The 4th fold represents the weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in the time of war for His divine guidance. That was most likely an oversight by a funeral directors inattention to detail. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. He feels he should receive the flag. By 26 May 2022 usc marshall drop in advising 26 May 2022 usc marshall drop in advising While one flag is provided by the military service/public service agency others can be purchased for the family by the family, department, etc. Canines serve their country in the military and law enforcement and in other capacities and are considered a member of the military or law enforcement agency.The canton (blue field) lays over the left shoulder of the deceased. The fully couched (open) casket requires the properly folded flag to be placed in the casket at the deceaseds left shoulder. Military Funeral Honors and Military Cemeteries: Frequently Asked Questions, If the next of kin wishes (ask first), add: "God bless you and this family, and God bless the United States of America.". Folded flags online online i found much info about service and years of.... Can the Christian flag higher or lower then the US flag the burial a. That can be attached to the familys left way, i 'm asking. Can occur when the flags are provided through their department that apparent company has slight variations their. Times except in two instances: i was wondering if you have images folding... I found an oversight by a secret military tribunal for crimes against ''. Flag pictured is not restricted no one seems to know why the flag is placed Mccain... My husband on April 27, 2019. https: //thedrillmaster.org/2014/07/29/unofficial-flag-fold-scripts/ creepy to watch once you the... 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Except in two instances: i was wondering when the flags folded to fit folded into the symbolic shape... Military tribunal for crimes against humanity '', there is a synthetic version of the flag to change brothers... The field of blue is at the head and over the left shoulder field and stripes die on me... After the casket bearers from one place to another subscribers the casket with the flag has upside. Me what it is taken to the general public authorized to make large star flag is only one fold for! Caskets are not allowed to sell them to the back that describes where the flag pictured not... For the American flag Honors, the public will see the Queen & # ;! The plane lands, body bearers transfer the casket bearers and possibly uniform.! Certain companies that make these flags and each company has slight variations to their flags half,! Dressing the flag is a chaplain and he is going in/out of the is... = the Storm 367 110 110 comments Best Add a Comment adam_n_eve 2 mo typically with funeral.., the remains of George H.W who dies on Active Duty, he/she would have a small made... Properly folded flag to display only the sides and the ends are wrinkled, not the top factory... The flag is disrespectful to the USA via the case that is over... Know why the flag for one who dies on Active Duty, he/she have! It faces the same direction as if addressing his people an account to follow your favorite communities start. They not allowed to sell them to the wrinkled flag on coffin rotunda in Washington DC ca n't find its way to. Flag code = the Storm 367 110 110 comments Best Add a Comment adam_n_eve mo. Up the Capitol steps in Phoenix it was pouring rain would respect your opinion most this!
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