It is hard to tell where one line starts and another begins sometimes. It is rather rare. I havent let anyone know me totally. This is because you have divine energy naturally running through you. Be Happy. The three women were re-examined six hours later and Proctor and Bishop were found to be clear of any marks and Nurses mark appeared to only be dry skin. It feels a bit silly. It doesn't irritate me and it hasn't grown. And links you inextricably to the Earth, the Otherworld, and witchcraft. I have a circle birthmark on my left leg (front, above ankle), doctors, friends and even strangers have commented on my strange birth mark. Lol. Thank u soooo much. After a few weeks Ill leave another comment and Im sure Ill be revealing great news!!! Im a Certified Holistic Nutritional Counselor and Im constantly looking for holistic ways to heal the body. My eyes actually squint when I smile, but my eyes have always been interest. In Scotland and Ireland, especially in centuries past, it was believed if you had red hair you were a witch or one of the sidhe (fairy folk). I would love to find out my abilities so I can determine what I am. Please I would love hear more. Be ready to compromise your beliefs and blend them. I know for a fact, Im changing. You didn't say how they manifest. Is it a mark passed down in my family? Murray, Margaret A. Beauty marks, beauty spots, and birthmarks are in reality simple dark mole that has been given the name of a beauty mark or spot because for centuries they have been considered an attractive feature of the female face or another part of the body. I am little concerned now. His comments have stuck with me all theses years. A cross in the middle of the index finger (called the Mystics Cross) is indicative of clairvoyance (the ability to see clearly), which is a psychic ability that many witches possess. Really connect with nature, animals, and people. Ella learn to meditate and connect with your inner self ( witch) there are no set rules to being a witch only the desire. This article is informative also about the hexfoils. Also I have the 3 orion stars but I hadnt noticed it until I was listening to mang zhong everything is casual or as the other translation.. grain in ear.. says I carved in your palm to know me in the afterlife.. the interesting thing about the palm is it appeared after I covered my original Orion on my left tricept with a tatoo . G. This was very insightful. Take a look at that red or blue birthmark and divine a symbol or pattern. But in reverse, like alnitak is firstor better yet, if I hold my palm up to a mirror, its in perfect order. We are a family, where all are loved, welcomed and accepted. Carly You should examine the birthmarks to see if they match any old symbols or even countries! I also was raised Christian, but loosely. I was born and raised in Charlton/Sturbridge Mass. Their eyes are black. The Witches mark in modern times is viewed in a different light. Well, my mother was psychic but I am not, only very intuitive and sometimes I travel in my dreams receiving messages for me or help others. They could be very subtle hints, birds and animals are usually drawn to witches, nature has a very intoxicating and healing effect. Answer: There isn't such a thing as a witch mark. I have dreams then find out thats what happened. Have you ever had someone say youre a furnace? I have A birthmark on my left hand from my thumb to almost pointer finger in the shape of Africa. Plus Ive always loved magic, paganism and witchcraft. THIS is what sets witches apart from other groups of women- we truly do (with few bad apple exceptions) embrace those new to the craft. Question: I was sitting on my porch and I looked down at my arm and it had glowing gold runes on it. Read more about the physical characteristics of a witch here. A witch's mark or devil's mark was a bodily mark that witch-hunters believed indicated that an individual was a witch, during the height of the witch trials. I do not have large eyes. I have bad feelings a lot and I am usually right about things. I have clairvoyance on my right but not my left and neither show intuition but my intuition is very strong. The first camp, sometimes called "Murray-ists", supports British anthropologist Margaret Murray's theory of the witch's mark. One on either side. I also have a wine or raspberry birth mark in the back of my neck that goes all the way into my hairline. Look a witch in the eyes and you will get sucked in. Without trying or even meeting an individual I automatically know if they are of good intentions or not. And I have learned I have extra bones in my body, my mother as well, and my grandson was born with 2 extra fingers and an extra toe and me and him are very close. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on August 15, 2020: As you can tell by reading the article, the questions, and comments, I don't believe there are any such things as witch marks. Since growing up like that, I stayed away, but Ive began to practice psychic abilities. However, as there are very few human beings who dont have some type of birthmark, freckle, wart, mole, scar, age spots, or other natural blemishes upon their skin, it would mean everyone in the world is a witch. Typically the allergies are towards things that are manmade or contain chemicals: alcohol, latex, cigarette smoke, tampons/pads, certain fabrics, etc. - Otherworldly Oracle. I have fought this all my life. Im addicted with the moon ,when is full moon i always have candels ,i like fire its my favorite, i can easily read people ,i know what say want before they speak ,i had probleme with electrycity. As Ive discovered myself and my gifts, its almost as if Ive had to sacrifice parts of myself for my soul to grow into my witchiness. For women, a birthmark on the arm is believed to be a sign of a woman who puts her career first. I used to try and call upon the wind, when I was 10 and when Id get a gust I swore it was me. 3 marks under ||| my pinky fingers Sun exposure may play a role in making these marks look darker, too, but moles can appear anywhere on the body. Now, my question is, am I a witch? Either an abnormally low body temperature or the witch has the ability to increase his or her body temperature. We had a productive talk.) My hands also get hot. There are photos circulating online that show the witches mark as a very specific mole on the right lower arm. Answer: Okay, well you have to believe in witchcraft because it is a thing. My daughter can also describe what you look like just by talking to you over the phone, and she also do spells without even knowing shes doing it. Owen Davies, Witchcraft, Magic, and Culture (New York: Manchester University Press 1999), The Witch-Cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology, "Robert A. Williams, Jr, Linking arms together: American Indian treaty visions of law and peace, 16001800. You can literally see their wisdom by looking into their eyes. I am very athletic but always a clutz, and spend much of my free time with rescue animals. We try to help them. I have a raised mark on my head that's been there for years. Do you knees always looked bruised or beat up with no known reason? i have been researching because i have since birth a perfect M marked between my back and ribs i've never find anything about it, but i still have the doubt. They said that I was a witch in my passed life. During the witch trials of the Middle Ages, "prickers" were employed. I have a #12 with a t below it on my right inside wrist and my initials on left. In truth, most were people who lived on the edge of society - easy targets. However, today her controversial ideas have been largely rejected by scientists and academics due to the lack of any evidence. I consider myself spiritual person but dont know if I am reincarnated with but I do have 2 big eyes, that I always thought thats why I am so curious and read so much, but I was born with my feet different from another. Interesting i have also , and a red mole in my back . If it's recently appeared, have it checked out by a doctor. I have experiences dreams that comes to reality which makes me feel its repeated or it happened before. I grew up in a house haunted by family and once my daughter was born we have been haunted ever since. I looked at my self in the mirror and he is right, when I smile, laugh, cry, talk, happy or angry my eyes stay the same. Its strange. I think my blood lines are winning over nurture Naturally born into it and cant ve afraid just respectful always Right. Ive dreamt of things that have happened, I can see colors (auras) around people in my dreams so it lets me know who to watch out for. I have learned to block some of other people energizes. There are hereditary birthmarks, but having a patch of darker skin simply means there is a higher concentration of melanin in that area. It was natural. I. our astrological symbols. You can heal. This is because many modern-day witches are indigo and crystal children. 2759 views | original sound - Julie Millar292 5 cakamile Kandee Pink It is said any women who has a beauty mark on her arm in this spot is a WITCH.. #WITCH #witchesoftiktok #spirituality #spiritualtiktok If it was an important 'message', they will appear again. [] Could I Be a Witch? Barstow, Anne Llewellyn. Opening up your chakras, particularly crown and third eye. [5] The search for witch's marks had disappeared by 1700. Thank you-Jackie, You are welcome to reach out to me Are we witches? The idea of witch marks didnt exist at all during the middle ages or even during the beginning of the European Witch Craze in the 15th century. I could go on and on. I love your post and can relate on many things you touch on. I also have a few signs on my palm. Im looking for meanings and some direction because I feel as though its time for me to open my eyes again, That last part sounds odd (again) but I have always had strange memories from when I was younger. History of Winter Island in Salem, Massachusetts. I have a almost perfect pentagram formed by my blood vessels on my left palm. No one else in my family has anything like this. I feel a draw to nature, animals, spirits, and music (music is power to me)! Not everyone is as graceful as a ballerina, and in this case, thats a good thing! I am unsure of what to say other than I want your opinions. It use to scare me but now its like preparing me to what is going to happen. Through out my life so far has been very witch like. If you read the article, you'll see that there are no such things. We all have always had dreams of thing to come, deaths, sickness, people in need, or just need us to talk. My first born granddaughter and I both have a mole on our left for arm not half up and offset to the outside. it would be so great. I had a twin sister we are identical she was killed in a car accident 14 years ago but when we were born we found out we share the same birth mark on our shoulder blades and the actually mirror each other and I have the healer lines, i hae no signs but i was b orn 10/10/1946 and a full moon i dont know if it means anything all 10. Ex: she wrote 3 things on her notepad, and all three happened. Answer: It means, if it is not the result of a minor injury such as a burn, that you should seek the advice of a doctor or other medical professional. Others are even starseeds souls that have incarnated here from other dimensions and star systems. P.s. What Did Witches' Marks Look Like? I would love to live in a dense forrest. And that is patently not true. BUT just for fun, here are the most common witch birthmarks today. Willis asserts that the witch's teat is a perversion of the female power to nourish and strengthen young. When i admitted i felt that my higher power was nature, the wind in my hair and the water that flows in the stream i was actually removed from the group and reprimanded, i didnt really know anything back then and had to just fall in line until i grew up. My eyes arent huge etc. It has been interesting reading this article. I do have extremely deep meaningful tattoos, and hazel green eyes that deepen in color or radiate in color with changing moods. I fi d this all so interesting..I have the healing marks .. And i was a massage therapist I still use touch but i am selective of who I touch As I feel their energy and sometimes it isnt good. Now that I am older I can still sense spirits and evil but I cant see them. Take care. Sounds like youre an old soul from another planet/dimension! I have always had most of the gifts and urgings noted. I have a tiny horseshoe on my left lower abdomen and a small red cross on my left lower, inner arm. I dont like to live a pattern ,i want a free live where a can live for my own rules not society rules . The article addressed the fake marks people used to use to try and find witches. I want to learn so much more and I plan on it. Love the reading. All of my daughters and my 2 grand daughters have the same markings. To be a witch, you have to make the decision to practice witchcraft. ???? Ive always been attracted the the supernatural, nature, the elements. The veins in your hands often tell a story. Early years (up walking till about 6 years)on a farm exploring nature. 30+ Signs You're a Witch In Your Heart & Soul. The Healer's Mark Source: Tapoos Located at the base of the little finger, the Healer's Mark is comprised of four or more parallel lines. I value peace and love and promote it daily. My sister and I now openly practice. Omg your life sounds just like mine. "Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Western Tradition" Richard M. Golden, Library of Congress vol 4, Q-Z, 2006. In the Salem witchcraft trials, a variety of skin lesions were used as confirmatory evidence that the accused person had made a pact with the devil, but there is no . Ive just started really getting into it. My daughter has so many of the moles that form a perfect triangle its crazy. I thank her, she hands me a card and tells me to come when its time. I believe in witchcraft and want to know if a mole could be a sign of being a witch? Ive also believed I could take away my loved ones pain. Our physical DNA carries memories of our past lives, whether passed down through ancestral bloodline or personal karmic memory. As well as the healers mark, fear of burning and old soul eyes. and I believe our abilities are created by our creator- in that sense how can it go against you? Having any kind of mark or natural skin formation does not mean you are a witch. You could have been shot in the head in a past life. We admit not every mole or freckle has a supernatural meaning. I have a red wine port birthmark on my left palm. I have a perfect upright pentagram on my lower left arm( in small brown freckles). In the post it says witches could be old souls, or reincarnations from other worlds or indigo and crystal childs .-. She says I raised myself. The idea that people sought assistance from supernatural beings has been around forever. Me too! I been told my eyes are beautiful! Folklore suggests that on the 7th day of the 7th week of consecutive feeding upon the teat, the cambion would grow to adulthood immediately and begin wreaking havoc with a range of demonic powers inherited from its supernatural father. Sort of like your veins are a physical manifestation of whats in your soul. Almost everything I pray for I receive. I have an extra nip (thats my birthmark) and Im covered in tattoos that are of true meaning to me (mostly butterflies). While such markings were often dismissed as ancient scribblings or attempts to add decoration, a recent book, Medieval Graffiti: The Lost Voices of Englands Churches, by architect Matthew Champion reveals their true purpose: "The world was full of dangers, both physical and spiritual," Champion says. The story of Samson and Delilah in the bible reflect this belief. Hahaha! I have the healer mark as well as the love of nature, disliking of society norms, intuition and precognitive dreams. HOWEVER, actual witch marks are birthmarks or moles of unusual shapes that tell a story of a witchs past life. So I do it and she says do you see anything and he says , yesyes I do. Answer: No. If you feel it resonates, then look into witchcraft further. Question: Every female in my family is a witch and all have the same markings on their body, as do I. Im a Virgo. I have the vertical lines under both of my pinkies and that doesnt surprise me. White crosses on my back that burn and Red Cross on back of my neck. I have had dreams of love one talking to me the night or the very hour he or she is letting go of the last breathe. I havent checked their hands, but I will. While holding it my boyfriend mentioned that he could feel the vibrations of its power and passed it to me. Many witches are healers and were healers in their past lives, healing with energy, herbs, by faith, etc. These signs and symbols were placed on doors, window shutters and chimneys; anywhere that a witch could gain entrance to a home. Greetings! I do practice a little Wiccan, and now my daughter want to start doing it. I love thunder storms and starry skies. Question: I have a heart-shaped birthmark on the left side of my tummy. Which at that time was the witch. Some witches claim it is their religion, while others say it is simply a magical practice. I find I have hazel and gold Old Soul eyes, the four lines of healing, a red birthmark on the back of my right hand and one on my left knee. Actually I realize yesterday, nobody realise this, Oh, my god, looks like it is a "witch flying with wand". Thank you This leads to clumsiness. I do feel most close to Earth. ..Things that I long forgot started happening againI know and remember it allI am a 5th generation witch and to say it out loudI love it but also have that fear locked inside mefrom the burnings I was told. I want to know if this is a witch mark or not. I just checked my palms and I also have those circles opposite my palms! Question: I got a red star shaped birthmark when I was a teen. Any thoughts about her strange hobby? I think i may be a witch lol. Very exciting comments. the root operation that is defined as correcting a portion of a previously performed procedure is: who is leaving wcco morning show. What about scars. I have a large birthmark that is shaped exactly like South America, like to the T! For example, you have an undying love for nature, seek out alternative healing methods, are drawn to metaphysics (crystals, herbs, angels, etc), astral project naturally, are empathic, see or sense spirits, rebel against the norms of society, etc. Jan 08, 2016. no bake ube cheesecake. Its said that women who have this beauty mark on their arm come from a line of Witches . On August 4, 1692, accused witches George Burroughs and George Jacobs Sr were searched and, although they found nothing suspicious on George Burroughs, they did find what looked like three teats on Jacobs, one in his mouth, one on his right shoulder blade and one on his right hip, and proceeded to stick pins in them which Jacobs seemed to have no physical reaction to. YES, this may seem cliche but hear me out. I have the lines under my pinky, the V, and Ms in both palms. However, as there are very few human beings who don't have some type of birthmark, freckle, wart, mole, scar, age spots, or other natural blemishes upon their skin, it would mean everyone in the world is a witch. She was amazed because she never thought anyone else had it except for her, I was just happy to actually see it in person, I didnt get a chance to see my aunts, but did get to see my nieces. I have quiet enjoyed it. They also freak out when I ask how they are and they reply Im OK. How are you ? Then I say no. Good luck and welcome! "These markings were made simply as a way to make it a safer, less hostile place; the front line in the defence of the soul.". I have the entire constellation Orion (all 9 stars). And, again, if you are concerned, you must get a medical opinion as soon as possible. I think that its very awesome . These unexplained skin marks are often attributed to Witch's or "Bokshi's" bite by old people, here in Nepal. The womans tattoos are thought to signify her magical knowledge and abilities. It was believed that familiars (agents of the devil, usually in animal form) would receive sustenance by being suckled. I have even dream of being at the heavens gate trying to talk to my love ones. And all I did when I read it was think, Yep, I knew that, lol. What a honor to be among such outstanding people, or sisters. Then walk away quietly. Im finding more and more as I go on being humbled with who I am. Witches marks were a mark on the skin of a suspected witch that was believed to be evidence that the person had made a pact with the Devil and was therefore a witch. Many people have said I have witch eyes. It was believed that when a pact was made, the Devil would mark the person with his claws or teeth to confirm the deal. This really shocked/surprised me. Not raised, like a mole looks like a freckle, but its not a freckle. I have had a sense I have been in a place before but it is has been in a dream. I want to walk freely in my own skin at this stage of my life, and pursue what I feel I was destined for. Answer: No, birthmarks do not signify that you are witches. Im hoping and wishing to bravely follow my path and become more comfortable with it. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on October 26, 2019: I'm not sure what you mean by 'so many unwelcome visitors'. Very strong on eyes. Eventually though, according to 17th century Scottish lawyer, Sir George Mackenzie, who participated in the Great Scottish Witch Hunt of 1661-2, the mere existence of a witch mark wasnt considered admissible evidence anymore unless that accused witch actually confessed that they got the mark as part of a pact with the Devil, which is why so many of the recorded cases from that time included stories about how they got the mark. I have all the hand symbols and many other features described in this article Birthmarks are also referred to as beauty spots or beauty marks. I am 57. in journalism. Answer: Ask your mother if she was surprised or frightened by an animal during her pregnancy. If your a witch then your a witch and embrace it. Jump ahead and i ended up working with this lady years later, fine tuning my abilities particularly those of journeying/chanelling. And on my left arm I have one that looks like a fish or an arrow head and another that looks like a hat or a car. A pricker was an "expert" with a sharp tool that was used to test for invisible marks. The witch-finders needed proof of their evil doings and marks, blemishes, scars, and moles were a simple way to make their accusations stick. Thats the ability my great grandma had on my moms side of the family. I only know of one mole under my left armpit. Hi I have the deep eyes, always been clumsy, had my great grandmother with me since I was 13, I have a mole right beside my right nipple, always gets mistaken for my nipple lol, I love nature my fur babies, 2 cats one dog, always loved animals, my spirt brother informs me my spirt animal is a wolf, love orcas too, always drawn to the moon and water, I feel at home near water, the house Im supposed to live in Ive seen in a dream, its in the native bush, with water near by, my ancestral blood line is Romania, Irish Druid and welsh, with s bit of English thrown in lol. What does this mean? Role of Skin Lesions in the Salem Witchcraft Trials. APA , The American Journal of Dermatopathology: December 1989, p 582-587Friedman, Susan Hatters and Andrew Howie. The Devils Mark. Man, vol. Question: I have recently got a scar like crescent moon on my forehead where we put tikka or bindi. After a few signs on my right but not my left and neither intuition. 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